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Dashboard Tailoring Expectations

Lookups Used to Filter Dashboard Analytics

Enrich the following lookups using the fields described below, the 'Dashboard' column describes where the lookups are used for reference:

Lookup Fields Dashboard
approved_software_servers product: name of software product
is_approved: set 1 for approved, 0 for unapproved software
CM.2.062, CM.2.063
approved_software_workstations product: name of software product
is_approved: set 1 for approved, 0 for unapproved software
CM.2.062, CM.2.063
disabled_ports port: port number
is_disabled: set 1 for approved, 0 for unapproved port
disabled_services service: name of service
is_disabled: set 1 for approved, 0 for unapproved service
system_list system_name: name of service
is_server: set to 1 if server
is_workstation: set to 1 if workstation
CM.2.062, CM.2.063
owner_badge_ids badge_id: badge ID of badge owner
first_name: first Name badge owner
last_name: last name of badge owner
MP.2.119, PP.1.134, PP.2.135
whitelist_remote remote_host: name of host
is_approved: set 1 for approved, 0 for unapproved
visitor_badge_list badge_id: badge ID
visitor: name of visitor