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Additional Configuration Steps for Multi-Systems

Creating a System

  1. To create a System, click Add a new System on the top right corner System Overview

  2. System Details: set a name, description, system owner (optional), and a framework if multiple were selected during initial setup. If only one framework is being used, the framework is selected by default. System Details

  3. System Hosts: add a host, source, sourcetype or index that ties to devices under the system. A csv lookup can be used (via Splunk lookup or upload) to import hosts into the rows, or rows can be added manually by clicking '+Add Input' If using a lookup, be sure to select the correct column for the type (must be 'host', 'source', 'sourcetype' or 'index'), and the value (e.g. type is host, value is systemd) when prompted. System Hosts

  4. System Permissions: add users and/or roles that can have access to view this system in the System Overview, and in the control/practice dashboards. There are three ways to import a user/role: 1. Selecting a user from the search box, 2. selecting or uploading a csv lookup, 3. adding a row manually by clicking '+Add Input' If using a csv lookup, be sure to select the correct column for the type (must be 'user' or 'role'), and the value (e.g. type is user, value is jdoe) when prompted. System Hosts

  5. Control/Practice Visibility: Toggling visibility for a system will show/hide controls in the Practice Overview Page. A Splunk lookup can be used to import control/practice visibility, or can be manually set by toggling by rows in the 'Visibility' column. If using a lookup, be sure to select the correct column for AP Acronym (name of control/practice) and Implementation Status ("Not Applicable, "Implemented",Planned) when prompted. System Hosts

  6. Click Done