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Additional Configuration for OMB

Please do not enable the '* Data Inventory' Data Models acceleration before configuring the macro settings below

Note: * see table below for list of Data Inventory datamodels

OMB Data Inventory Setup

OMB Data Inventory panels uses the Data Inventory datamodels included in the app and can be found under Settings > Data Models (under Knowledge). Run the following steps to setup the datamodels:

  1. Set Index Macros: Each Data Set uses a macro in the base search to define which index to search events in. Navigate to Settings > Advanced Search (under Knowledge) and select "Search Macros". Set each '*_indexes' macro listed in "Compliance Essentials" to the relevant index e.g. (index=windows_events)
  2. Choose which Datamodels to Accelerate:

    a. Navigate to Settings > Data Models (under Knowledge).

    b. Click Edit > Edit Acceleration under Actions for each "* Data Inventory" Datamodel

    c. Select "Accelerate" and select the Summary Range.

The speed of summary creation depends on the amount of events involved and the size of the summary range. You can track progress towards summary completion on the Data Models management page. Under the Data Inventory datamodel, expand its row, and review the information that appears under ACCELERATION.

For more information on Accelerated Data Models, view Splunk Docs

Add additional Sourcetypes to the "* Data Inventory" Data Models (Optional)

Custom Sourcetypes can be added to the Data Model by running the following steps:

Creating an Eventtype

  1. Navigate to Settings > Eventtypes (under Knowledge)
  2. Create a new eventtype
  3. Set destination app to "compliance_essentials", add a name and the new sourcetype in the search string (e.g. sourcetype=wineventlog) and enter a tag (view the steps below on how to determine which tag to enter)

Linking an Eventtype to the "* Data Inventory" Data Models through Tags

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Models (under Knowledge) > OMB Data Inventory
  2. Select the Dataset to link the eventtype to and copy the tag under "Constraints" (e.g. to add to Windows Security Logs, click Windows Security Logs under Vendor-Specific Data, and copying the tag VendorSpecific-winsec).
  3. Add that tag to step 3 under "Creating an Eventtype"

List of Data Inventory datamodels and associated macros that ship with Compliance Essentials

Data Model Associated macro
Anti-Virus or Anti-Malware Data Inventory AntiVirus_or_AntiMalware_indexes
Application Data Inventory Application_Data_indexes
Application Load Balancer Inventory Application_Load_Balancer_indexes
Authentication Data Inventory Authentication_indexes
Configuration Management Data Inventory Configuration_Management_indexes
Database Server Data Inventory DatabaseServer_indexes
DLP Data Inventory DLP_indexes
DNS Data Inventory DNS_indexes
Email Data Inventory Email_indexes
Endpoint Detection and Response Data Inventory Endpoint_Detection_and_Response_indexes
Host Performance Data Inventory Host_Performance_indexes
IDS or IPS Alerts Data Inventory IDS_IPS_indexes
IP Address Assignment Data Inventory IP_Address_Assignment_indexes
Network Communication Data Inventory Network_Communication_indexes
Patch Management Data Inventory Patch_Management_indexes
System Logs Data Inventory System_Logs_indexes
Vendor-Specific Data Inventory VendorSpecific_Data_indexes
Vulnerability Detection Data Inventory Vulnerability_Detection_indexes
Web Application Firewall Data Inventory Web_Application_Firewall_indexes
Web Proxy Data Inventory Web_Proxy_indexes
Web Server Data Inventory Web_Server_indexes
Windows Group Management Data Inventory Windows_Group_Management_indexes