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Custom Content Usage

The Custom Content page can be accessed by clicking 'Custom Content' on the navigation bar.

The page displays all dashboard panels that align to a specific domain or practice, and can be filtered by domain, practice, title, or category.

Add a Panel to a Dashboard

To add panels to a dashboard: 1. Click the 'Add to Dashboard' button in the row of the panel and hit confirm. 2. Once a panel is added, the cell will change to 'Added' in the Added column. 3. The panel should now be appended to the dashboard

Create a Panel

To create a panel: 1. Click 'Create a Custom Panel 2. Panel Details: Enter a Panel title, description and XML Panel definition. The XML definition should be enclosed in <panel></panel> tags. 3. Practice Details: Enter a Domain and Practice to tie the panel to 4. Click Submit


Exporting Panels

To export panels: 1. Select panels that you wish to export 2. Click the gear icon on the top right corner 3. A JSON file containing the panels will automatically be downloaded. This file can be used to import panels into another Splunk instance


Importing Panels

To import panels: 1. Click "Import Panels" 2. Upload a JSON file created from exporting panels (steps are outlined in the Exporting Panels section) 3. Panels will automatically added to the custom content table
