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Airports Common Information Model for Splunk

A guide on how to implement Splunk for operational use cases within airports


The fields relating to the De-Icing of departing aircraft

Dataset Name Field Name Data Type Description
Training firstName string(15) Example: Carrol
Training lastName string(15) Example: Tucker
Training employeeNum String(15) Example: 1859
Training courseName String(50) Example: Airside Driving
Training instructor.firstName String(15) Example: John
Training instructor.lastName String(15) Example: Younger
Training instructor.trainingCerts String() Examples: De-icing, Anti-icing (United, American, Delta, Southwest), CRJ, 737-Family, 319, 320, 321. or Cert #
Training takenOn int(10) Epoch Time
Training completedOn int(10) Epoch Time
Training trainingCerts String() Examples: De-icing, Anti-icing (United, American, Delta, Southwest), CRJ, 737-Family, 319, 320, 321. or Cert #
Training expiresOn int(10) Epoch Time
Airfield aircraftCondition String(12) Frost,Snow,Heavy Snow,Ice,Acc Ice
GroundOps assetId String(6) Truck ID Number, Pumper Number, Tanker Number, Static Boom Number
GroundOps boomOpA.firstName String(15) Carrol
GroundOps boomOpA.lastName String(15) Tucker
GroundOps boomOpA.employeeNum String(15) 1859
GroundOps boomOpA.trainingCerts String(30) Examples: De-icing, Anti-icing (United, American, Delta, Southwest), CRJ, 737-Family, 319, 320, 321. or Cert #
GroundOps boomOpB.firstName String(15) Karina
GroundOps boomOpB.lastName String(15) Coleman
GroundOps boomOpB.employeeNum String(15) 721
GroundOps boomOpB.trainingCerts String() Examples: De-icing, Anti-icing (United, American), CRJ, 737-Family, 319, 320 or Cert #
GroundOps RecordID int(12) 5431
GroundOps assetType String(6) Deicer, Boom, Tanker
GroundOps companyName String(15) Company Providing Service
GroundOps completedOn int(10) Epoch Time
Airfield airline String(6) The IATA code for the operating airline
GroundOps deviceId String Guid, ex: 5e5fedb6054b18c6887e3e14
GroundOps driver.firstName String(15) Brady
GroundOps driver.lastName String(15) Andrews
GroundOps driver.employeeNum String(15) 2651
GroundOps driver.trainingCerts String() Examples: Airside Driving, De-icing (United), CRJ, 737- or Cert #
GroundOps passenger.firstName String(15) Jeff
GroundOps passenger.lastName String(15) Gordon
GroundOps passenger.employeeNum String(15) 302
GroundOps passenger.trainingCerts String(30) Example: Airside Driving
GroundOps editedBy.employeeNum String(15) 9071
GroundOps flagged Boolean True,False
Airfield fleetType String(12) A319, CRJ, A320,737/800-
Airfield FQFC String(10) Flight Number, Example: US3154 (Not considered unique) see registration
GroundOps GHR.gallons int(6) Gallons (Ground Hose Reel)
GroundOps gearOnly Boolean True,False
GroundOps String(15) 35.21382
GroundOps geoPosition.lon String(15) -80.943054
GroundOps iceTransaction String Guid, d6f678fd-8b37-4dad-85df-9cfae70184a3
GroundOps iceTransaction.groupId String 43590217498
GroundOps iceTransactionId String 5e5fedb6cbaa71a7d147a75b
GroundOps inspectionOnly Boolean True,False
GroundOps lastPost.failMessage String(50) Example: Server failed to respond
GroundOps lastPost.failureOn int(10) Epoch Time
GroundOps notes String(256) Text
GroundOps padId String(15) Example: Sierra Pad, Charlie Pad, Echo Pad, Num 2 Pad
GroundOps postfailCount int(10) 271
GroundOps postedOn int(10) Epoch Time
GroundOps postedTo String Server Name, URL
GroundOps postedVia String(15) Method: Network Name or Manually
GroundOps precipCode int(6) Numeric code describing type of precip
GroundOps slotId String(6) Slot Number on Pad, ex: 1,2,3,4…
GroundOps src_ip String(16) Source IP Address
Airfield airportId String(6) Current Airport (Not Destination or Arriving From) Example: KCLT, KATL,KIAD : ICAO reference, IATA code
GroundOps supercededById Boolean True,False
GroundOps tactileCheck Boolean True,False
Airfield registration String Aircraft Tail Number, ex: N247UW, N123UW
GroundOps teamLead.employeeNum String(15) 794671
GroundOps trainingMode Boolean True,False
GroundOps type1.freezePoint int(6) Temp
GroundOps type1.gallonsA int(10) Gallons Number
GroundOps type1.gallonsB int(10) Gallons Number
GroundOps type1.gallons.enteredManually Boolean True,False
GroundOps type1.kFactor int()  
GroundOps type1.percent int()  
GroundOps type1.position1 Boolean True,False
GroundOps type1.position2 Boolean True,False
GroundOps type1.position3 Boolean True,False
GroundOps type1.position4 Boolean True,False
GroundOps type1.pulseCount int()  
GroundOps type1.start int(10) Epoch Time
GroundOps type1.stop int(10) Epoch Time
GroundOps type1.temp int() Temperture
GroundOps type4.gallonsA int(10) Gallons Number
GroundOps type4.gallonsB int(10) Gallons Number
GroundOps type4.gallons.enteredManually Boolean True,False
GroundOps type4.kFactor int()  
GroundOps type4.position1 Boolean True,False
GroundOps type4.position2 Boolean True,False
GroundOps type4.position3 Boolean True,False
GroundOps type4.position4 Boolean True,False
GroundOps type4.pulseCount int()  
GroundOps type4.start int(10) Epoch Time
GroundOps type4.stop int(10) Epoch Time
GroundOps weatherCode String(10) Weather Code, Example: IF (Ice Fog)
GroundOps eventType String(10) Type of Service Performed. Examples: Refueling, Sanitation, Towing, Cargo Loading, De-icing, Anti-icing.
Airfield runway String() Runway Designation Example: 26L
Airfield taxiway String() Examples: C1, D3, F2, F, E, Q3, N4
Airfield stand String(50) Examples: Cargo A, Cargo 1, 2, 3, 3, ANG Apron, South hanger, Ramp X
