

Splunk Enterprise contains many settings that allow customers to tailor their Splunk environment. However, because not all settings apply to all customers, Splunk will only support the most common subset of all configurations. Throughout this document, the term “supported” means you can contact Splunk Support for assistance with issues.

System requirements

If you intend for this containerized Splunk Enterprise deployment to be supported in your Enterprise Support Agreement, you must verify you meet all of the requirements below. Failure to do so will render your deployment in an unsupported state. See Support violation below.

The following prerequisites and dependencies must be installed on each node you plan on deploying the container.

See also


Splunk Support only provides support for the single instance Splunk Validated Architectures (S-Type), Universal Forwarders and Heavy Forwarders. For all other configurations, contact Splunk Professional Services.

For additional support, you can:

If you are a Splunk Enterprise customer with a valid support entitlement contract and have a Splunk-related question, you can

Support violation

In the following conditions, Splunk Support reserves the right to deem your installation unsupported and not provide assistance when issues arise:

In the event you fall into an unsupported state, you may find support on Splunk Answers or through the open-source communities found on GitHub for this docker-splunk project or the related splunk-ansible project.