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Go Racing

  1. You are now ready to race, select START EVENT
  2. You will have a lot of pre-roll, you can skip through all of this. You should now be at the cockpit view of the car on the track. The car is stopped with people in front of it.

Start Race

  1. Select START RACE
  2. At the end of the race, advance to the post race leaderboard. You should see the word Advance at the top of the menu stack and Restart Session at the bottom.
  3. Arrow down to Restart Session, select and confirm to restart.
    1. If you end up accidentally advancing, you will need to reconfigure the settings in this guide between every race.
  4. You should now be at the cockpit view of the car on the track. The car is stopped with people in front of it.
  5. You are now ready for the next participant.