3.3 Using Filters & Formulas

1 Creating a new chart

Let’s now create a new chart and save it in our dashboard!

Select the plus icon (top right of the UI) and from the drop down, choose the option Chart. Or click on the + New Chart Button to create a new chart.

Create new chart Create new chart

You will now see a chart template like the following.

Empty Chart Empty Chart

Let’s enter a metric to plot. We are still going to use the metric demo.trans.latency.

In the Plot Editor tab under Signal enter demo.trans.latency.

Signal Signal

You should now have a familiar line chart. Please switch the time to 15 mins.

Signal Signal

2. Filtering and Analytics

Let’s now select the Paris datacenter to do some analytics - for that we will use a filter.

Let’s go back to the Plot Editor tab and click on Add Filter , wait until it automatically populates, choose demo_datacenter, and then Paris.

Filter Filter

In the F(x) column, add the analytic function Percentile:Aggregation, and leave the value to 95 (click outside to confirm).

Analytics Analytics

For info on the Percentile function and the other functions see Chart Analytics.

3. Using Timeshift analytical function

Let’s now compare with older metrics. Click on ... and then on Clone in the dropdown to clone Signal A.

Clone Signal Clone Signal

You will see a new row identical to A, called B, both visible and plotted.

Plot Editor Plot Editor

For Signal B, in the F(x) column add the analytic function Timeshift and enter 1w (or 7d for 7 days), and click outside to confirm.

Timeshift Timeshift

Click on the cog on the far right, and choose a Plot Color e.g. pink, to change color for the plot of B.

Change Plot Colour Change Plot Colour

Click on Close.

We now see plots for Signal A (the past 15 minutes) as a blue plot, and the plots from a week ago in pink.

In order to make this clearer we can click on the Area chart icon to change the visualization.

Area Chart Area Chart

We now can see when last weeks latency was higher!

Next, click into the field next to Time on the Override bar and choose Past Hour from the dropdown.

Timeframe Timeframe

4. Using Formulas

Let’s now plot the difference of all metric values for a day with 7 days in between.

Click on Enter Formula then enter A-B (A minus B) and hide (deselect) all Signals using the eye, except C.

Formulas Formulas

We now see only the difference of all metric values of A and B being plotted. We see that we have some negative values on the plot because a metric value of B has some times larger value than the metric value of A at that time.

Lets look at the Signalflow that drives our Charts and Detectors!