Splunk APM

Splunk APM is a NoSample™ Full-fidelity application performance monitoring and troubleshooting solution for cloud-native, microservices-based applications.

By collecting all traces, instead of a sampled subset, no anomaly goes undetected. Whether a user experiences an error or longer-than-usual latency, you’ll be able to know and act on it within seconds. Furthermore, not all bad behavior results in errors — as your developers create new applications they need to know whether their canary releases provide the expected results. Only by collecting all trace data will you ensure that your cloud-native applications behave the way they are supposed to.

Infrastructure and application performance are interdependent. To see the full picture, Splunk APM provides a seamless correlation between cloud infrastructure and the microservices running on top of it. If your application acts out because of memory leakage, a noisy neighbor container or any other infrastructure-related issue, Splunk will let you know. To complete the picture, in-context access to Splunk logs and events enables deeper troubleshooting and root-cause analysis.

Architecture Overview Architecture Overview