Workshop using the Java microservices Pet Clinic demo (Kubernetes-based).

45 minutes   Author Pieter Hagen

The goal of this workshop is to introduce the features of Splunk’s Opentelemetry Java Auto instrumentation. First, we create the workshop scenario, by installing a simple Java microservices application in Kubernetes. We then walk through the basic steps to set up the OpenTelemetry Collector in Kubernetes and enable auto-instrumentation on the existing Java application running in Kubernetes. This will start sending Opentelemetry signals to the Splunk Observability Cloud platform and enable the following components:

  • Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring (IM)
  • Splunk Auto Instrumentation for Java (APM)
    • Database Query Performance
    • AlwaysOn Profiling
  • Splunk Log Observer (LO)

We will show the steps about how to clone (download) a sample microservices Java application (Spring PetClinic), as well as how to compile, package and deploy/run the application.

Once the application is up and running, we will examine the default metrics sent by the Opentelemetry Collector in the Splunk Observability UI Next, when auto instrumentation is enabled we will start seeing metrics and traces created via the Auto Instrumentation for Java that will be used by the Splunk APM product.

We also will examine Always-on Profiling and Database Query performance.

Lastly, we will configure the Spring PetClinic application to inject trace information into the application logs and send them to Splunk Cloud.

  • Outbound SSH access to port 2222.
  • Outbound HTTP access to port 81.
  • Familiarity with the bash shell and vi/vim/nano editor.
Splunk Otel Architecture Splunk Otel Architecture

Based on the example Josh Voravong has created.