OpenTelemetry Collector Exporters

An exporter, which can be push or pull-based, is how you send data to one or more backends/destinations. Exporters may support one or more data sources.

For this workshop, we will be using the otlphttp exporter. The OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) is a vendor-neutral, standardised protocol for transmitting telemetry data. The OTLP exporter sends data to a server that implements the OTLP protocol. The OTLP exporter supports both gRPC and HTTP/JSON protocols.

    "themeVariables": {
      "primaryColor": "#ffffff",
      "clusterBkg": "#eff2fb",
      "defaultLinkColor": "#333333"

flowchart LR;
    style Exporters fill:#e20082,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff
    subgraph Collector
    A[OTLP] --> M(Receivers)
    B[JAEGER] --> M(Receivers)
    C[Prometheus] --> M(Receivers)
    subgraph Processors
    M(Receivers) --> H(Filters, Attributes, etc)
    subgraph Exporters
    H(Filters, Attributes, etc) --> S(OTLP)
    H(Filters, Attributes, etc) --> T(JAEGER)
    H(Filters, Attributes, etc) --> U(Prometheus)