Updated Lambdas in Splunk APM

Navigate back to APM in Splunk Observabilty Cloud

Go back to your Service Dependency map.

Workshop Question

Notice the difference?

6-updated-1-map 6-updated-1-map

You should be able to see the consumer-lambda now clearly connected to the producer-lambda.

Remember the value you copied from your producer logs? You can run sls logs -f consumer command again on your EC2 lab host to fetch one.

Take that value, and paste it into trace search:

6-updated-2-trace-search 6-updated-2-trace-search

Click on Go and you should be able to find the logged Trace:

6-updated-3-trace 6-updated-3-trace

Notice that the Trace ID is something that makes up the trace context that we propagated.

You can read up on the two common propagation standards:

  1. W3C: https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#traceparent-header
  2. B3: https://github.com/openzipkin/b3-propagation#overall-process
Workshop Question

Which one are we using?

It should be self-explanatory from the Propagator we are creating in the Functions

Workshop Question

Bonus Question: What happens if we mix and match the W3C and B3 headers?

Expand the consumer-lambda span.

Workshop Question

Can you find the attributes from your message?

6-updated-4-attributes 6-updated-4-attributes