Copying and editing charts

We have some good charts in our dashboard, but let’s add a few more.

  1. Go to Dashboards by clicking the dasboard icon on the left side of the screen. Find the Browser app health dashboard and scroll to the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) chart. Click the chart actions icon to open the flyout menu, and click “Copy” to add this chart to your clipboard. copy chart copy chart

  2. Now you can continue to add any other charts to your clipboard by clicking the “add to clipboard” icon. copy chart inline icon copy chart inline icon

  3. When you have collected the charts you want on your dashboard, click the “create” icon on the top right. You might need to reload the page if you were looking at charts in another browser tab. create icon create icon

  4. Click the “Paste charts” menu option. paste charts paste charts

Now you are able to resize and edit the charts as you’d like!

Bonus: edit chart data

  1. Click the chart actions icon and select Open to edit the chart. chart actions menu chart actions menu

  2. Remove the existing Test signal. edit the test signal edit the test signal

  3. Click Add filter and type test: *yourInitials*. This will use a wildcard match so that all of the tests you have created that contain your initials (or any string you decide) will be pulled into the chart. add filter button add filter button

  4. Click into the functions to see how adding and removing dimensions changes how the data is displayed. For example, if you want all of your test location data rolled up, remove that dimension from the function. test signal functions test signal functions

  5. Change the chart name and description as appropriate, and click “Save and close” to commit your changes or just “Close” to cancel your changes. chart close buttons chart close buttons