RUM Detectors

Let’s say we want to know about an issue in production without waiting for a ticket from our support center. This is where creating detectors in RUM will be helpful for us.

  1. Go to the RUM view of the Syncreator App. Scroll to the LCP chart, click the chart menu icon, and click Create Detector. chart options icon chart options icon
    create detector option create detector option

  2. Rename the test to include your team name and initials, and change the scope of the detector to App so we are not limited to a single URL or page. Change the threshold and sensitivity until there is at least one alert event in the time frame. alert details alert details

  3. Change the alert severity and add a recipient if you’d like, and click Activate to save the Detector. activate the RUM detector activate the RUM detector


Now, your workshop instructor will change something on the website. How do you find out about the issue, and how do you investigate it?


Wait a few minutes, and take a look at the online store homepage in your browser. How is the experience in an incognito browser window? How is it different when you refresh the page?