Splunk Observability Workshops

[!splunk] Welcome Get insights into your applications and infrastructure in real-time with the help of the monitoring, analytics and response tools of the Splunk Observability Cloud

These workshops are going to take you through the best-in-class observability platform for ingesting, monitoring, visualizing and analyzing metrics, traces and logs.

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  • Splunk4Rookies - Observability Cloud

    In this workshop, we will be showing how Splunk Observability Cloud provides instant visibility of the user experience – from the perspective of the front-end application to its back-end services – Letting you experience some of the most compelling product features and differentiators of Splunk Observability Cloud.

    • Workshop Overview

      Workshop Overview

    • What is OpenTelemetry & why should you care?

      Learn about OpenTelemetry and why you should care about it.

    • UI - Quick Tour 🚌

      A quick tour of the Splunk Observability Cloud UI.

    • Let's go shopping πŸ’Ά

      Interact with the Online Boutique web application to generate data for Splunk Observability Cloud.

    • Splunk RUM

      This section helps you understand how to use Splunk RUM to monitor the performance of your applications from the end user's perspective.

    • Splunk APM

      In this section, we will use APM to drill down and identify where the problem is.

    • Splunk Log Observer

      In this section, we will use Log Observer to drill down and identify what the problem is.

    • Splunk Synthetics

      In this section, you will learn how to use Splunk Synthetics to monitor the performance and availability of your applications.

    • Custom Service Health Dashboard πŸ₯

      In this section, you will learn how to build a custom Service Health Dashboard to monitor the health of your services.

    • Workshop Wrap-up 🎁

      Congratulations, you have completed the Splunk4Rookies - Observability Cloud Workshop. Today, you have become familiar with how to use Splunk Observability Cloud to monitor your applications and infrastructure.

  • Ninja Workshops

    The following workshops require Ninja skills, wax on, wax off.

  • Scenarios

    Learn how to build observability solutions with Splunk

    • Optimize Cloud Monitoring

      This scenario is for ITOps teams managing a hybrid infrastructure that need to troubleshoot cloud-native performance issues, by correlating real-time metrics with logs to troubleshoot faster, improve MTTD/MTTR, and optimize costs.

    • Debug Problems in Microservices

      This scenario helps engineering teams identify and fix issues caused by planned and unplanned changes to their microservices-based applications.

    • Optimize End User Experiences

      Use Splunk Real User Monitoring (RUM) and Synthetics to get insight into end user experience, and proactively test scenarios to improve that experience.

    • Self-Service Observability

      This scenario helps platform engineering (or central tools) teams enable engineers with self-service observability tooling at scale, so developers and SREs can spend less time managing their toolchain and more time building and delivering cool software.

  • Resources

    Resources for learning about Splunk Observability Cloud

  • Unsupported Field Workshops

    Splunk IMSplunk delivers real-time monitoring and troubleshooting to help you maximize infrastructure performance with complete visibility. Build a Distributed Trace in Lambda and KinesisThis workshop will equip you with how a distributed trace is constructed for a small serverless application that runs on AWS Lambda, producing and consuming a message via AWS Kinesis Getting Data In (GDI) with OTel and UFLearn how to get data into Splunk Observability Cloud with OpenTelemetry and the Splunk Universal Forwarder.

    • Splunk IM

      Splunk delivers real-time monitoring and troubleshooting to help you maximize infrastructure performance with complete visibility.

    • Build a Distributed Trace in Lambda and Kinesis

      This workshop will equip you with how a distributed trace is constructed for a small serverless application that runs on AWS Lambda, producing and consuming a message via AWS Kinesis

    • Getting Data In (GDI) with OTel and UF

      Learn how to get data into Splunk Observability Cloud with OpenTelemetry and the Splunk Universal Forwarder.

    • Splunk OnCall

      Make expensive service outages a thing of the past. Remediate issues faster, reduce on-call burnout and keep your services up and running.