Patching the Deployment

To configure automatic discovery and configuration the deployments need to be patched to add the instrumentation annotation. Once patched, the OpenTelemetry Collector will inject the automatic discovery and configuration library and the Pods will be restarted in order to start sending traces and profiling data. First, confirm that the api-gateway does not have the splunk-otel-java image.

kubectl describe pods api-gateway | grep Image:

Next, enable the Java automatic discovery and configuration for all of the services by adding the annotation to the deployments. The following command will patch the all deployments. This will trigger the OpenTelemetry Operator to inject the splunk-otel-java image into the Pods:

kubectl get deployments -l -o name | xargs -I % kubectl patch % -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"\":\"default/splunk-otel-collector\"}}}}}"
deployment.apps/config-server patched (no change)
deployment.apps/admin-server patched (no change)
deployment.apps/customers-service patched
deployment.apps/visits-service patched
deployment.apps/discovery-server patched (no change)
deployment.apps/vets-service patched
deployment.apps/api-gateway patched

There will be no change for the config-server, discovery-server and admin-server as these have already been patched.

To check the container image(s) of the api-gateway pod again, run the following command:

kubectl describe pods api-gateway | grep Image:

A new image has been added to the api-gateway which will pull splunk-otel-java from (if you see two api-gateway containers, the original one is probably still terminating, so give it a few seconds).

Navigate back to the Kubernetes Navigator in Splunk Observability Cloud. After a couple of minutes you will see that the Pods are being restarted by the operator and the automatic discovery and configuration container will be added. This will look similar to the screenshot below:

restart restart

Wait for the Pods to turn green in the Kubernetes Navigator, then go tho the next section.