Setting up automatic discovery and configuration for APM

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In this section we will enable automatic discovery and configuration for the Java services running in Kubernetes. This means that the OpenTelemetry Collector will look for Pod annotations that indicate that the Java application should be instrumented with the Splunk OpenTelemetry Java agent. This will allow us to get traces, spans, and profiling data from the Java services running on the cluster.

automatic discovery and configuration

It is important to understand that automatic discovery and configuration is designed to get trace, span & profiling data out of your application, without requiring code changes or recompilation.

This is a great way to get started with APM, but it is not a replacement for manual instrumentation. Manual instrumentation allows you to add custom spans, tags, and logs to your application, which can provide more context and detail to your traces.

For Java applications the OpenTelemetry Collector will look for the annotation

The annotation can have the value set true or to the namespace/daemonset of the OpenTelemetry Collector e.g. default/splunk-otel-collector. This allows working across namespaces and what we will use in this workshop.

Using the deployment.yaml

If you want your Pods to send traces automatically, you can add the annotation to the deployment.yaml as shown below. This will add the instrumentation library during the initial deployment. To speed things up we have done that for the following Pods:

  • admin-server
  • config-server
  • discovery-server
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: admin-server
  labels: spring-petclinic
      app: admin-server
        app: admin-server
      annotations: "default/splunk-otel-collector"