APM Service Map

apm map apm map

The above map shows all the interactions between all of the services. The map may still be in an interim state as it will take the Petclinic Microservice application a few minutes to start up and fully synchronize. Reducing the time filter to a custom time of 2 minutes will help. The initial startup-related errors (red dots) will eventually disappear.

Next, let’s examine the metrics that are available for each service that is instrumented and visit the request, error, and duration (RED) metrics Dashboard

For this exercise we are going to use a common scenario you would use if the service operation was showing high latency, or errors for example.

Select (click) on the Customer Service in the Dependency map (1), then make sure the customers-service is selected in the Services dropdown box (2). Next, select GET /Owners from the Operations dropdown (3)**.

This should give you the workflow with a filter on GET /owners (1) as shown below.

select a trace select a trace