Rebuild PetClinic with RUM enabled

At the top of the previous code snippet, there is a reference to the file /static/env.js, which contains/sets the variables used by RUM, currently these are not configured and therefore no RUM traces are currently being sent.

Run the script that will update variables to enable RUM traces so they are viewable in Splunk Observability Cloud. Note, that the env.js script contains a deliberate JavaScript error, that will be picked up in RUM:

. ~/workshop/petclinic/scripts/
Repository directory exists.
JavaScript file generated at: /home/splunk/spring-petclinic-microservices/spring-petclinic-api-gateway/src/main/resources/static/env.js

Verify if the env.js has been created correctly:

cat ~/spring-petclinic-microservices/spring-petclinic-api-gateway/src/main/resources/static/scripts/env.js
 env = {
  RUM_REALM: 'eu0',
  RUM_AUTH: '[redacted]',
  RUM_APP_NAME: 'k8s-petclinic-workshop-store',
  RUM_ENVIRONMENT: 'k8s-petclinic-workshop-workshop'


Change into the api-gateway directory and force a new build for just the api-gateway service:

cd  ~/spring-petclinic-microservices/spring-petclinic-api-gateway
../mvnw clean install -D skipTests -P buildDocker
Successfully built 2d409c1eeccc
Successfully tagged localhost:9999/spring-petclinic-api-gateway:local
[INFO] Built localhost:9999/spring-petclinic-api-gateway:local
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 26.250 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-05-31T15:51:20Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

and now push the new container to the local registry, the others get skipped:

. ~/workshop/petclinic/scripts/
The push refers to repository [localhost:9999/spring-petclinic-api-gateway]
9a7b16677cf9: Pushed
f2e09ed98998: Layer already exists
291752eeb66b: Layer already exists
ac28fe526c24: Layer already exists
0a37fe4a02de: Layer already exists
4b1e7b998de9: Layer already exists
a2a8ef39e636: Layer already exists
86cb6a9eb3cd: Layer already exists
985fdc63de98: Layer already exists
4ab2850febd7: Layer already exists
2db7720a8970: Layer already exists
629ca62fb7c7: Layer already exists

As soon as the container is pushed into the repository, just restart the api-gateway to apply the changes:

kubectl rollout restart deployment api-gateway
deployment.apps/api-gateway restarted

Validate that the application is running by visiting http://<IP_ADDRESS>:81 (replace <IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address you obtained above). Make sure the application is working correctly by visiting the All Owners (1) and select an owner, then add a visit (2). We will use this action when checking RUM

pet pet

If you want, you can access this website on your phone/tablet as well as this data will also show up in RUM.