API Test

The API Test provides a flexible way to check the functionality and performance of API endpoints. The shift toward API-first development has magnified the necessity to monitor the back-end services that provide your core front-end functionality.

Whether you’re interested in testing the multi-step API interactions or you want to gain visibility into the performance of your endpoints, the API Test can help you accomplish your goals.

API test result API test result

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Subsections of API Test

Global Variables

Global Variables

View the global variable that we’ll use to perform our API test. Click on Global Variables under the cog. The global variable named env.encoded_auth will be the one that we’ll use to build the spotify API transaction.

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Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Create new API test

Create a new API test

Create a new API test by clicking on the Add new test button and select API test from the dropdown. Name the test using your initials followed by Spotify API e.g. RWC - Spotify API

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Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Authentication Request

Add Authentication Request

Click on + Add requests and enter the request step name e.g. Authenticate with Spotify API.

placeholder placeholder

Expand the Request section, from the drop-down change the request method to POST and enter the following URL:


In the Payload body section enter the following:


Next, add two request headers with the following key/value pairings:

  • CONTENT-TYPE: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • AUTHORIZATION: Basic {{env.encoded_auth}}

Expand the Validation section and add the following extraction:

  • Extract from Response body JSON $.access_token as access_token.

This will parse the JSON payload that is received from the Spotify API, extract the access token and store it as a custom variable.

Add payload token Add payload token

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Search Request

Add Search Request

Click on + Add Request to add the next step. Name the step Search for Tracks named “Up around the bend”.

Expand the Request section and change the request method to GET and enter the following URL:


Next, add two request headers with the following key/value pairings:

  • CONTENT-TYPE: application/json
  • AUTHORIZATION: Bearer {{custom.access_token}}

Add search request Add search request

Expand the Validation section and add the following extraction:

  • Extract from Response body JSON $.tracks.items[0].id as track.id.

Add search payload Add search payload

Click on < Return to test to return to the test configuration page. And then click Save to save the API test.

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

View results

View results

Wait for a few minutes for the test to provision and run. Once you see the test has run successfully, click on the run to view the test results:

API test result API test result

6. Resources