Splunk Synthetic Scripting

45 minutes   Author Robert Castley

Proactively monitor the performance of your web app before problems affect your users. With Splunk Synthetic Monitoring, technical and business teams create detailed tests to proactively monitor the speed and reliability of websites, web apps, and resources over time, at any stage in the development cycle.

Splunk Synthetic Monitoring offers the most comprehensive and in-depth capabilities for uptime and web performance optimization as part of the only complete observability suite, Splunk Observability Cloud.

Easily set up monitoring for APIs, service endpoints and end-user experience. With Splunk Synthetic Monitoring, go beyond basic uptime and performance monitoring and focus on proactively finding and fixing issues, optimizing web performance, and ensuring customers get the best user experience.

With Splunk Synthetic Monitoring you can:

  • Detect and resolve issues fast across critical user flows, business transactions and API endpoints
  • Prevent web performance issues from affecting customers with an intelligent web optimization engine
  • And improve the performance of all page resources and third-party dependencies
Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Subsections of Splunk Synthetic Scripting

1. Real Browser Test


This workshop walks you through using the Chrome DevTools Recorder to create a synthetic transaction against a Splunk demonstration instance.

The exported JSON from the Chrome DevTools Recorder will then be used to create a Splunk Synthetic Monitoring Real Browser Test.

In addition, you will also get to learn other Splunk Synthetic Monitoring checks like API Test and Uptime Test.


  • Google Chrome Browser installed
  • Access to Splunk Observability Cloud
Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Subsections of 1. Real Browser Test

1.1 Recording a test

Open the starting URL

Open the starting URL for the workshop in Chrome. Click on the appropriate link below to open the site in a new tab.


The starting URL for the workshop is different for EMEA and AMER/APAC. Please use the correct URL for your region.

Open the Chrome DevTools Recorder

Next, open the Developer Tools (in the new tab that was opened above) by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows or Cmd + Option + I on a Mac, then select Recorder from the top-level menu or the More tools flyout menu.

Open Recorder Open Recorder


Site elements might change depending on viewport width. Before recording, set your browser window to the correct width for the test you want to create (Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile). Change the DevTools “dock side” to pop out as a separate window if it helps.

Create a new recording

With the Recorder panel open in the DevTools window. Click on the Create a new recording button to start.

Recorder Recorder

For the Recording Name use your initials to prefix the name of the recording e.g. <your initials> - Online Boutique. Click on Start Recording to start recording your actions.

Recording Name Recording Name

Now that we are recording, complete the following actions on the site:

  • Click on Vintage Camera Lens
  • Click on Add to Cart
  • Click on Place Order
  • Click on End recording in the Recorder panel.

End Recording End Recording

Exporting the recording

Click on the Export button:

Export button Export button

Select JSON as the format, then click on Save

Export JSON Export JSON


Congratulations! You have successfully created a recording using the Chrome DevTools Recorder. Next, we will use this recording to create a Real Browser Test in Splunk Synthetic Monitoring.

    "title": "RWC - Online Boutique",
    "steps": [
            "type": "setViewport",
            "width": 1430,
            "height": 1016,
            "deviceScaleFactor": 1,
            "isMobile": false,
            "hasTouch": false,
            "isLandscape": false
            "type": "navigate",
            "url": "https://online-boutique-eu.splunko11y.com/",
            "assertedEvents": [
                    "type": "navigation",
                    "url": "https://online-boutique-eu.splunko11y.com/",
                    "title": "Online Boutique"
            "type": "click",
            "target": "main",
            "selectors": [
                    "div:nth-of-type(2) > div:nth-of-type(2) a > div"
                    "pierce/div:nth-of-type(2) > div:nth-of-type(2) a > div"
            "offsetY": 170,
            "offsetX": 180,
            "assertedEvents": [
                    "type": "navigation",
                    "url": "https://online-boutique-eu.splunko11y.com/product/66VCHSJNUP",
                    "title": ""
            "type": "click",
            "target": "main",
            "selectors": [
                    "aria/ADD TO CART"
                    "text/Add to Cart"
            "offsetY": 35.0078125,
            "offsetX": 46.4140625,
            "assertedEvents": [
                    "type": "navigation",
                    "url": "https://online-boutique-eu.splunko11y.com/cart",
                    "title": ""
            "type": "click",
            "target": "main",
            "selectors": [
                    "aria/PLACE ORDER"
                    "div > div > div.py-3 button"
                    "pierce/div > div > div.py-3 button"
                    "text/Place order"
            "offsetY": 29.8125,
            "offsetX": 66.8203125,
            "assertedEvents": [
                    "type": "navigation",
                    "url": "https://online-boutique-eu.splunko11y.com/cart/checkout",
                    "title": ""
Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

1.2 Create Real Browser Test

In Splunk Observability Cloud, navigate to Synthetics and click on Add new test.

From the dropdown select Browser test.

Add new test Add new test

You will then be presented with the Browser test content configuration page.

New Test New Test

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

1.3 Import JSON

To begin configuring our test, we need to import the JSON that we exported from the Chrome DevTools Recorder. To enable the Import button, we must first give our test a name e.g. <your initials> - Online Boutique.

Import Import

Once the Import button is enabled, click on it and either drop the JSON file that you exported from the Chrome DevTools Recorder or upload the file.

Import JSON Import JSON

Once the JSON file has been uploaded, click on Continue to edit steps

Import Complete Import Complete

Edit Steps Edit Steps

Before we make any edits to the test, let’s first configure the settings, click on < Return to test

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

1.4 Settings

The simple settings allow you to configure the basics of the test:

  • Name: The name of the test (e.g. RWC - Online Boutique).
  • Details:
    • Locations: The locations where the test will run from.
    • Device: Emulate different devices and connection speeds. Also, the viewport will be adjusted to match the chosen device.
    • Frequency: How often the test will run.
    • Round-robin: If multiple locations are selected, the test will run from one location at a time, rather than all locations at once.
    • Active: Set the test to active or inactive.

![Return to Test]For this workshop, we will configure the locations that we wish to monitor from. Click in the Locations field and you will be presented with a list of global locations (over 50 in total).

Global Locations Global Locations

Select the following locations:

  • AWS - N. Virginia
  • AWS - London
  • AWS - Melbourne

Once complete, scroll down and click on Click on Submit to save the test.

The test will now be scheduled to run every 5 minutes from the 3 locations that we have selected. This does take a few minutes for the schedule to be created.

So whilst we wait for the test to be scheduled, click on Edit test so we can go through the Advanced settings.

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

1.5 Advanced Settings

Click on Advanced, these settings are optional and can be used to further configure the test.


In the case of this workshop, we will not be using any of these settings as this is for informational purposes only.

Advanced Settings Advanced Settings

  • Security:
    • TLS/SSL validation: When activated, this feature is used to enforce the validation of expired, invalid hostname, or untrusted issuer on SSL/TLS certificates.
    • Authentication: Add credentials to authenticate with sites that require additional security protocols, for example from within a corporate network. By using concealed global variables in the Authentication field, you create an additional layer of security for your credentials and simplify the ability to share credentials across checks.
  • Custom Content:
    • Custom headers: Specify custom headers to send with each request. For example, you can add a header in your request to filter out requests from analytics on the back end by sending a specific header in the requests. You can also use custom headers to set cookies.
    • Cookies: Set cookies in the browser before the test starts. For example, to prevent a popup modal from randomly appearing and interfering with your test, you can set cookies. Any cookies that are set will apply to the domain of the starting URL of the check. Splunk Synthetics Monitoring uses the public suffix list to determine the domain.
    • Host overrides: Add host override rules to reroute requests from one host to another. For example, you can create a host override to test an existing production site against page resources loaded from a development site or a specific CDN edge node.

Next, we will edit the test steps to provide more meaningful names for each step.

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

1.6 Edit test steps

To edit the steps click on the + Edit steps or synthetic transactions button. From here, we are going to give meaningful names to each step.

Edit steps Edit steps

For each of the four steps, we are going to give them a meaningful name.

  • Step 1 replace the text Go to URL with HomePage - Online Boutique
  • Step 2 enter the text Select Vintage Camera Lens.
  • Step 3 enter Add to Cart.
  • Step 4 enter Place Order.

Step names Step names

Click < Return to test to return to the test configuration page and click Save to save the test.

You will be returned to the test dashboard where you will see test results start to appear.

Scatterplot Scatterplot

Congratulations! You have successfully created a Real Browser Test in Splunk Synthetic Monitoring. Next, we will look into a test result in more detail.

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

1.7 View test results

In the Scatterplot from the previous step, click on one of the dots to drill into the test run data. Preferably, select the most recent test run (farthest to the right).

Drilldown Drilldown

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

API Test

The API Test provides a flexible way to check the functionality and performance of API endpoints. The shift toward API-first development has magnified the necessity to monitor the back-end services that provide your core front-end functionality.

Whether you’re interested in testing the multi-step API interactions or you want to gain visibility into the performance of your endpoints, the API Test can help you accomplish your goals.

API test result API test result

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Subsections of API Test

Global Variables

Global Variables

View the global variable that we’ll use to perform our API test. Click on Global Variables under the cog. The global variable named env.encoded_auth will be the one that we’ll use to build the spotify API transaction.

placeholder placeholder

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Create new API test

Create a new API test

Create a new API test by clicking on the Add new test button and select API test from the dropdown. Name the test using your initials followed by Spotify API e.g. RWC - Spotify API

placeholder placeholder

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Authentication Request

Add Authentication Request

Click on + Add requests and enter the request step name e.g. Authenticate with Spotify API.

placeholder placeholder

Expand the Request section, from the drop-down change the request method to POST and enter the following URL:


In the Payload body section enter the following:


Next, add two request headers with the following key/value pairings:

  • CONTENT-TYPE: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • AUTHORIZATION: Basic {{env.encoded_auth}}

Expand the Validation section and add the following extraction:

  • Extract from Response body JSON $.access_token as access_token.

This will parse the JSON payload that is received from the Spotify API, extract the access token and store it as a custom variable.

Add payload token Add payload token

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Search Request

Add Search Request

Click on + Add Request to add the next step. Name the step Search for Tracks named “Up around the bend”.

Expand the Request section and change the request method to GET and enter the following URL:


Next, add two request headers with the following key/value pairings:

  • CONTENT-TYPE: application/json
  • AUTHORIZATION: Bearer {{custom.access_token}}

Add search request Add search request

Expand the Validation section and add the following extraction:

  • Extract from Response body JSON $.tracks.items[0].id as track.id.

Add search payload Add search payload

Click on < Return to test to return to the test configuration page. And then click Save to save the API test.

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

View results

View results

Wait for a few minutes for the test to provision and run. Once you see the test has run successfully, click on the run to view the test results:

API test result API test result

6. Resources