Running Demo-in-a-Box

Demo-in-a-box is a method for running demo apps easily using a web interface.

It provides:

  • A quick way to deploy demo apps and states
  • A way to easily change configuration of your otel collector and see logs
  • Get pod status, pod logs, etc.

To leverage this locally using multipass:

  • Follow the local hosting for multipass instructions
    • In the terraform.tfvars file, set splunk_diab to true and make sure all other options are set to false
    • Then set the other required and important tokens/url
    • Then run the terraform steps
  • Once the instance is up, navigate in your browser to: http://<IP>:8083
    • In the terraform.tfvars file the wsversion defaults to the current version of the workshop e.g 4.64:
      • To use the latest developments change wsversion to use main
      • There are only three versions of the workshop maintained, development (main) current (e.g. 4.64 and the previous (e.g. 4.63)
      • After making the change, run terraform apply to make the changes
  • Now you can deploy any of the demos; this will also deploy the collector as part of the deployment