OpenTelemetry Collector Development

Project Setup Ninja


The time to finish this section of the workshop can vary depending on experience.

A complete solution can be found here in case you’re stuck or want to follow along with the instructor.

To get started developing the new Jenkins CI receiver, we first need to set up a Golang project. The steps to create your new Golang project is:

  1. Create a new directory named ${HOME}/go/src/jenkinscireceiver and change into it
    1. The actual directory name or location is not strict, you can choose your own development directory to make it in.
  2. Initialize the golang module by going go mod init splunk.conf/workshop/example/jenkinscireceiver
    1. This will create a file named go.mod which is used to track our direct and indirect dependencies
    2. Eventually, there will be a go.sum which is the checksum value of the dependencies being imported.
module splunk.conf/workshop/example/jenkinscireceiver

go 1.20