Deploy the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector
To get Observability signals (metrics, traces and logs) into Splunk Observability Cloud the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector needs to be deployed into the Kubernetes cluster.
For this workshop, we will be using the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector Helm Chart. First we need to add the Helm chart repository to Helm and update to ensure the latest version:
helm repo add splunk-otel-collector-chart && helm repo update
Using REALM=eu0
"splunk-otel-collector-chart" has been added to your repositories
Using REALM=eu0
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "splunk-otel-collector-chart" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
Splunk Observability Cloud offers wizards in the UI to walk you through the setup of the OpenTelemetry Collector on Kubernetes, but in the interest of time, we will use the Helm install command below. Additional parameters are set to enable the operator and automatic discovery and configuration.
- this will install the Opentelemetry operator that will be used to handle automatic discovery and configuration.--set="certmanager.enabled=true"
- this will install the required certificate manager for the operator.--set="splunkObservability.profilingEnabled=true"
- this enables Code Profiling via the operator.
To install the collector run the following command, do NOT edit this:
helm install splunk-otel-collector --version 0.111.0 \
--set="operator.enabled=true", \
--set="certmanager.enabled=true", \
--set="splunkObservability.realm=$REALM" \
--set="splunkObservability.accessToken=$ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--set="clusterName=$INSTANCE-k3s-cluster" \
--set="splunkObservability.profilingEnabled=true" \
--set="agent.service.enabled=true" \
--set="environment=$INSTANCE-workshop" \
--set="splunkPlatform.endpoint=$HEC_URL" \
--set="splunkPlatform.token=$HEC_TOKEN" \
--set="splunkPlatform.index=splunk4rookies-workshop" \
splunk-otel-collector-chart/splunk-otel-collector \
-f ~/workshop/k3s/otel-collector.yaml
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Apr 19 09:39:54 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector is installed and configured to send data to Splunk Platform endpoint "".
Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector is installed and configured to send data to Splunk Observability realm eu0.
[INFO] You've enabled the operator's auto-instrumentation feature (operator.enabled=true)! The operator can automatically instrument Kubernetes hosted applications.
- Status: Instrumentation language maturity varies. See `operator.instrumentation.spec` and documentation for utilized instrumentation details.
- Splunk Support: We offer full support for Splunk distributions and best-effort support for native OpenTelemetry distributions of auto-instrumentation libraries.
Ensure the Pods are reported as Running before continuing (this typically takes around 30 seconds).
kubectl get pods | grep splunk-otel
splunk-otel-collector-certmanager-cainjector-5c5dc4ff8f-95z49 1/1 Running 0 10m
splunk-otel-collector-certmanager-6d95596898-vjxss 1/1 Running 0 10m
splunk-otel-collector-certmanager-webhook-69f4ff754c-nghxz 1/1 Running 0 10m
splunk-otel-collector-k8s-cluster-receiver-6bd5567d95-5f8cj 1/1 Running 0 10m
splunk-otel-collector-agent-tspd2 1/1 Running 0 10m
splunk-otel-collector-operator-69d476cb7-j7zwd 2/2 Running 0 10m
Ensure there are no errors reported by the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector (press ctrl + c
to exit) or use the installed awesome k9s
terminal UI for bonus points!
kubectl logs -l app=splunk-otel-collector -f --container otel-collector
2021-03-21T16:11:10.900Z INFO service/service.go:364 Starting receivers...
2021-03-21T16:11:10.900Z INFO builder/receivers_builder.go:70 Receiver is starting... {"component_kind": "receiver", "component_type": "prometheus", "component_name": "prometheus"}
2021-03-21T16:11:11.009Z INFO builder/receivers_builder.go:75 Receiver started. {"component_kind": "receiver", "component_type": "prometheus", "component_name": "prometheus"}
2021-03-21T16:11:11.009Z INFO builder/receivers_builder.go:70 Receiver is starting... {"component_kind": "receiver", "component_type": "k8s_cluster", "component_name": "k8s_cluster"}
2021-03-21T16:11:11.009Z INFO k8sclusterreceiver@v0.21.0/watcher.go:195 Configured Kubernetes MetadataExporter {"component_kind": "receiver", "component_type": "k8s_cluster", "component_name": "k8s_cluster", "exporter_name": "signalfx"}
2021-03-21T16:11:11.009Z INFO builder/receivers_builder.go:75 Receiver started. {"component_kind": "receiver", "component_type": "k8s_cluster", "component_name": "k8s_cluster"}
2021-03-21T16:11:11.009Z INFO healthcheck/handler.go:128 Health Check state change {"component_kind": "extension", "component_type": "health_check", "component_name": "health_check", "status": "ready"}
2021-03-21T16:11:11.009Z INFO service/service.go:267 Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.
2021-03-21T16:11:11.009Z INFO k8sclusterreceiver@v0.21.0/receiver.go:59 Starting shared informers and wait for initial cache sync. {"component_kind": "receiver", "component_type": "k8s_cluster", "component_name": "k8s_cluster"}
2021-03-21T16:11:11.281Z INFO k8sclusterreceiver@v0.21.0/receiver.go:75 Completed syncing shared informer caches. {"component_kind": "receiver", "component_type": "k8s_cluster", "component_name": "k8s_cluster"}
Deleting a failed installation
If you make an error installing the OpenTelemetry Collector you can start over by deleting the installation with the following command:
helm delete splunk-otel-collector