Spring PetClinic SpringBoot Based Microservices On Kubernetes

90 minutes   Author Pieter Hagen

The goal of this workshop is to introduce the features of Splunk’s automatic discovery and configuration for Java.

The workshop scenario will be created by installing a simple (un-instrumented) Java microservices application in Kubernetes.

By following the simple steps to install the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector and enabling automatic discovery and configuration for existing Java based deployments you will learn how easy it is to send metrics, traces and logs to Splunk Observability Cloud.


  • Outbound SSH access to port 2222.
  • Outbound HTTP access to port 81.
  • Familiarity with the Linux command line.

During this workshop we will cover the following components:

  • Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring (IM)
  • Splunk automatic discovery and configuration for Java (APM)
    • Database Query Performance
    • AlwaysOn Profiling
  • Splunk Log Observer (LO)
  • Splunk Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Splunk Synthetics is feeling a little left out here, but we cover that in other workshops