OpenTelemetry Collector Development

Developing a custom component

Building a component for the Open Telemetry Collector requires three key parts:

  1. The Configuration - What values are exposed to the user to configure
  2. The Factory - Make the component using the provided values
  3. The Business Logic - What the component needs to do

For this, we will use the example of building a component that works with Jenkins so that we can track important DevOps metrics of our project(s).

The metrics we are looking to measure are:

  1. Lead time for changes - “How long it takes for a commit to get into production”
  2. Change failure rate - “The percentage of deployments causing a failure in production”
  3. Deployment frequency - “How often a [team] successfully releases to production”
  4. Mean time to recover - “How long does it take for a [team] to recover from a failure in production”

These indicators were identified Google’s DevOps Research and Assesment (DORA)[^1] team to help show performance of a software development team. The reason for choosing Jenkins CI is that we remain in the same Open Source Software ecosystem which we can serve as the example for the vendor managed CI tools to adopt in future.

Instrument Vs Component

There is something to consider when improving level of Observability within your organisation since there are some trade offs that get made.

(Auto) InstrumentedDoes not require an external API to be monitored in order to observe the system.Changing instrumentation requires changes to the project.
Gives system owners/developers to make changes in their observability.Requires additional runtime dependancies.
Understands system context and can corrolate captured data with Exemplars.Can impact performance of the system.
Component- Changes to data names or semantics can be rolled out independently of the system’s release cycle.Breaking API changes require a coordinated release between system and collector.
Updating/extending data collected is a seemless user facing change.Captured data semantics can unexpectedly break that does not align with a new system release.
Does not require the supporting teams to have a deep understanding of observability practice.Strictly external / exposed information can be surfaced from the system.
Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

Subsections of 8. Develop

OpenTelemetry Collector Development

Project Setup Ninja


The time to finish this section of the workshop can vary depending on experience.

A complete solution can be found here in case you’re stuck or want to follow along with the instructor.

To get started developing the new Jenkins CI receiver, we first need to set up a Golang project. The steps to create your new Golang project is:

  1. Create a new directory named ${HOME}/go/src/jenkinscireceiver and change into it
    1. The actual directory name or location is not strict, you can choose your own development directory to make it in.
  2. Initialize the golang module by going go mod init splunk.conf/workshop/example/jenkinscireceiver
    1. This will create a file named go.mod which is used to track our direct and indirect dependencies
    2. Eventually, there will be a go.sum which is the checksum value of the dependencies being imported.
Check-inReview your go.mod
module splunk.conf/workshop/example/jenkinscireceiver

go 1.20
Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

OpenTelemetry Collector Development

Building The Configuration

The configuration portion of the component is how the user is able to have their inputs over the component, so the values that is used for the configuration need to be:

  1. Intuitive for users to understand what that field controls
  2. Be explicit in what is required and what is optional
  3. Reuse common names and fields
  4. Keep the options simple
jenkins_server_addr: hostname
jenkins_server_api_port: 8089
interval: 10m
    - name: my-awesome-build
      status: amber
        example.metric.1: yes
        example.metric.2: yes
        example.metric.3: no
        example.metric.4: no
# Required Values
endpoint: http://my-jenkins-server:8089
    authenticator: basicauth/jenkins
# Optional Values
collection_interval: 10m
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        enabled: true

The bad configuration highlights how doing the opposite of the recommendations of configuration practices impacts the usability of the component. It doesn’t make it clear what field values should be, it includes features that can be pushed to existing processors, and the field naming is not consistent with other components that exist in the collector.

The good configuration keeps the required values simple, reuses field names from other components, and ensures the component focuses on just the interaction between Jenkins and the collector.

The code tab shows how much is required to be added by us and what is already provided for us by shared libraries within the collector. These will be explained in more detail once we get to the business logic. The configuration should start off small and will change once the business logic has started to include additional features that is needed.

Write the code

In order to implement the code needed for the configuration, we are going to create a new file named config.go with the following content:

package jenkinscireceiver

import (


type Config struct {
    // HTTPClientSettings contains all the values
    // that are commonly shared across all HTTP interactions
    // performed by the collector.
    confighttp.HTTPClientSettings `mapstructure:",squash"`
    // ScraperControllerSettings will allow us to schedule 
    // how often to check for updates to builds.
    scraperhelper.ScraperControllerSettings `mapstructure:",squash"`
    // MetricsBuilderConfig contains all the metrics
    // that can be configured.
    metadata.MetricsBuilderConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

OpenTelemetry Collector Development

Component Review

To recap the type of component we will need to capture metrics from Jenkins:

The business use case an extension helps solves for are:

  1. Having shared functionality that requires runtime configuration
  2. Indirectly helps with observing the runtime of the collector

See Extensions Overview for more details.

The business use case a receiver solves for:

  • Fetching data from a remote source
  • Receiving data from remote source(s)

This is commonly referred to pull vs push based data collection, and you read more about the details in the Receiver Overview.

The business use case a processor solves for is:

  • Adding or removing data, fields, or values
  • Observing and making decisions on the data
  • Buffering, queueing, and reordering

The thing to keep in mind is the data type flowing through a processor needs to forward the same data type to its downstream components. Read through Processor Overview for the details.

The business use case an exporter solves for:

  • Send the data to a tool, service, or storage

The OpenTelemetry collector does not want to be “backend”, an all-in-one observability suite, but rather keep to the principles that founded OpenTelemetry to begin with; A vendor agnostic Observability for all. To help revisit the details, please read through Exporter Overview.

This is a component type that was missed in the workshop since it is a relatively new addition to the collector, but the best way to think about a connector is that it is like a processor that allows it to be used across different telemetry types and pipelines. Meaning that a connector can accept data as logs, and output metrics, or accept metrics from one pipeline and provide metrics on the data it has observed.

The business case that a connector solves for:

  • Converting from different telemetry types
    • logs to metrics
    • traces to metrics
    • metrics to logs
  • Observing incoming data and producing its own data
    • Accepting metrics and generating analytical metrics of the data.

There was a brief overview within the Ninja section as part of the Processor Overview, and be sure what the project for updates for new connector components.

From the component overviews, it is clear that developing a pull-based receiver for Jenkins.

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

OpenTelemetry Collector Development

Designing The Metrics

To help define and export the metrics captured by our receiver, we will be using, mdatagen, a tool developed for the collector that turns YAML defined metrics into code.

# Type defines the name to reference the component
# in the configuration file
type: jenkins

# Status defines the component type and the stability level
  class: receiver
    development: [metrics]

# Attributes are the expected fields reported
# with the exported values.
    description: The name of the associated Jenkins job
    type: string
    description: Shows if the job had passed, or failed
    type: string
    - failed
    - success
    - unknown

# Metrics defines all the pontentially exported values from this receiver. 
    enabled: true
    description: Provides a count of the total number of configured jobs
    unit: "{Count}"
      value_type: int
    enabled: true
    description: Show the duration of the job
    unit: "s"
      value_type: int
    - job.status
    enabled: true
    description: The calculation difference of the time job was finished minus commit timestamp
    unit: "s"
      value_type: int
    - job.status
// To generate the additional code needed to capture metrics, 
// the following command to be run from the shell:
//  go generate -x ./...

//go:generate go run metadata.yaml
package jenkinscireceiver

// There is no code defined within this file.

Create these files within the project folder before continuing onto the next section.

Building The Factory

The Factory is a software design pattern that effectively allows for an object, in this case a jenkinscireceiver, to be created dynamically with the provided configuration. To use a more real-world example, it would be going to a phone store, asking for a phone that matches your exact description, and then providing it to you.

Run the following command go generate -x ./... , it will create a new folder, jenkinscireceiver/internal/metadata, that contains all code required to export the defined metrics. The required code is:

package jenkinscireceiver

import (



func NewFactory() receiver.Factory {
    return receiver.NewFactory(
        receiver.WithMetrics(newMetricsReceiver, metadata.MetricsStability),

func newMetricsReceiver(_ context.Context, set receiver.CreateSettings, cfg component.Config, consumer consumer.Metrics) (receiver.Metrics, error) {
    // Convert the configuration into the expected type
    conf, ok := cfg.(*Config)
    if !ok {
        return nil, errors.New("can not convert config")
    sc, err := newScraper(conf, set)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return scraperhelper.NewScraperControllerReceiver(
package jenkinscireceiver

import (


type Config struct {
    // HTTPClientSettings contains all the values
    // that are commonly shared across all HTTP interactions
    // performed by the collector.
    confighttp.HTTPClientSettings `mapstructure:",squash"`
    // ScraperControllerSettings will allow us to schedule 
    // how often to check for updates to builds.
    scraperhelper.ScraperControllerSettings `mapstructure:",squash"`
    // MetricsBuilderConfig contains all the metrics
    // that can be configured.
    metadata.MetricsBuilderConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`

func newDefaultConfig() component.Config {
    return &Config{
        ScraperControllerSettings: scraperhelper.NewDefaultScraperControllerSettings(metadata.Type),
        HTTPClientSettings:        confighttp.NewDefaultHTTPClientSettings(),
        MetricsBuilderConfig:      metadata.DefaultMetricsBuilderConfig(),
package jenkinscireceiver

type scraper struct {}

func newScraper(cfg *Config, set receiver.CreateSettings) (scraperhelper.Scraper, error) {
    // Create a our scraper with our values 
    s := scraper{
        // To be filled in later
    return scraperhelper.NewScraper(metadata.Type, s.scrape)

func (scraper) scrape(ctx context.Context) (pmetric.Metrics, error) {
    // To be filled in
    return pmetrics.NewMetrics(), nil
  name: otelcol
  description: "Conf workshop collector"
  output_path: ./dist
  version: v0.0.0-experimental

  - gomod: v0.80.0
  - gomod: v0.80.0

  - gomod: v0.80.0
  - gomod: v0.80.0
  - gomod: v0.80.0
  - gomod: splunk.conf/workshop/example/jenkinscireceiver v0.0.0
    path: ./jenkinscireceiver

  - gomod: v0.80.0

  - gomod: v0.80.0
  - gomod: v0.80.0
  - gomod: v0.80.0

# This replace is a go directive that allows for redefine
# where to fetch the code to use since the default would be from a remote project.
- splunk.conf/workshop/example/jenkinscireceiver => ./jenkinscireceiver
├── build-config.yaml
└── jenkinscireceiver
    ├── go.mod
    ├── config.go
    ├── factory.go
    ├── scraper.go
    └── internal
      └── metadata

Once you have written these files into the project with the expected contents run, go mod tidy, which will fetch all the remote dependencies and update go.mod and generate the go.sum files.

Last Modified Sep 19, 2024

OpenTelemetry Collector Development

Building The Business Logic

At this point, we have a custom component that currently does nothing so we need to add in the required logic to capture this data from Jenkins.

From this point, the steps that we need to take are:

  1. Create a client that connect to Jenkins
  2. Capture all the configured jobs
  3. Report the status of the last build for the configured job
  4. Calculate the time difference between commit timestamp and job completion.

The changes will be made to scraper.go.

To be able to connect to the Jenkins server, we will be using the package, “”, which provides the functionality required to read data from the jenkins server.

Then we are going to utilise some of the helper functions from the, “” , library to create a start function so that we can connect to the Jenkins server once component has finished starting.

package jenkinscireceiver

import (

    jenkins ""


type scraper struct {
    mb     *metadata.MetricsBuilder
    client *jenkins.Jenkins

func newScraper(cfg *Config, set receiver.CreateSettings) (scraperhelper.Scraper, error) {
    s := &scraper{
        mb : metadata.NewMetricsBuilder(cfg.MetricsBuilderConfig, set),
    return scraperhelper.NewScraper(
        scraperhelper.WithStart(func(ctx context.Context, h component.Host) error {
            client, err := cfg.ToClient(h, set.TelemetrySettings)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            // The collector provides a means of injecting authentication
            // on our behalf, so this will ignore the libraries approach
            // and use the configured http client with authentication.
            s.client = jenkins.NewJenkins(nil, cfg.Endpoint)
            return nil

func (s scraper) scrape(ctx context.Context) (pmetric.Metrics, error) {
    // To be filled in
    return pmetric.NewMetrics(), nil

This finishes all the setup code that is required in order to initialise a Jenkins receiver.

From this point on, we will be focuses on the scrape method that has been waiting to be filled in. This method will be run on each interval that is configured within the configuration (by default, every minute).

The reason we want to capture the number of jobs configured so we can see the growth of our Jenkins server, and measure of many projects have onboarded. To do this we will call the jenkins client to list all jobs, and if it reports an error, return that with no metrics, otherwise, emit the data from the metric builder.

func (s scraper) scrape(ctx context.Context) (pmetric.Metrics, error) {
    jobs, err := s.client.GetJobs()
    if err != nil {
        return pmetric.Metrics{}, err

    // Recording the timestamp to ensure
    // all captured data points within this scrape have the same value. 
    now := pcommon.NewTimestampFromTime(time.Now())
    // Casting to an int64 to match the expected type
    s.mb.RecordJenkinsJobsCountDataPoint(now, int64(len(jobs)))
    // To be filled in

    return s.mb.Emit(), nil

In the last step, we were able to capture all jobs ands report the number of jobs there was. Within this step, we are going to examine each job and use the report values to capture metrics.

func (s scraper) scrape(ctx context.Context) (pmetric.Metrics, error) {
    jobs, err := s.client.GetJobs()
    if err != nil {
        return pmetric.Metrics{}, err

    // Recording the timestamp to ensure
    // all captured data points within this scrape have the same value. 
    now := pcommon.NewTimestampFromTime(time.Now())
    // Casting to an int64 to match the expected type
    s.mb.RecordJenkinsJobsCountDataPoint(now, int64(len(jobs)))
    for _, job := range jobs {
        // Ensure we have valid results to start off with
        var (
            build  = job.LastCompletedBuild
            status = metadata.AttributeJobStatusUnknown

        // This will check the result of the job, however,
        // since the only defined attributes are 
        // `success`, `failure`, and `unknown`. 
        // it is assume that anything did not finish 
        // with a success or failure to be an unknown status.

        switch build.Result {
        case "aborted", "not_built", "unstable":
            status = metadata.AttributeJobStatusUnknown
        case "success":
            status = metadata.AttributeJobStatusSuccess
        case "failure":
            status = metadata.AttributeJobStatusFailed


    return s.mb.Emit(), nil

The final step is to calculate how long it took from commit to job completion to help infer our DORA metrics.

func (s scraper) scrape(ctx context.Context) (pmetric.Metrics, error) {
    jobs, err := s.client.GetJobs()
    if err != nil {
        return pmetric.Metrics{}, err

    // Recording the timestamp to ensure
    // all captured data points within this scrape have the same value. 
    now := pcommon.NewTimestampFromTime(time.Now())
    // Casting to an int64 to match the expected type
    s.mb.RecordJenkinsJobsCountDataPoint(now, int64(len(jobs)))
    for _, job := range jobs {
        // Ensure we have valid results to start off with
        var (
            build  = job.LastCompletedBuild
            status = metadata.AttributeJobStatusUnknown

        // Previous step here

        // Ensure that the `ChangeSet` has values
        // set so there is a valid value for us to reference
        if len(build.ChangeSet.Items) == 0 {

        // Making the assumption that the first changeset
        // item is the most recent change.
        change := build.ChangeSet.Items[0]

        // Record the difference from the build time
        // compared against the change timestamp.

    return s.mb.Emit(), nil

Once all of these steps have been completed, you now have built a custom Jenkins CI receiver!

Whats next?

There are more than likely features that would be desired from component that you can think of, like:

  • Can I include the branch name that the job used?
  • Can I include the project name for the job?
  • How I calculate the collective job durations for project?
  • How do I validate the changes work?

Please take this time to play around, break it, change things around, or even try to capture logs from the builds.