4.1 File Storage Configuration

In this exercise, we will update the extensions: section of the agent.yaml file. This section is part of the OpenTelemetry configuration YAML and defines optional components that enhance or modify the OpenTelemetry Collector’s behavior.

While these components do not process telemetry data directly, they provide valuable capabilities and services to improve the Collector’s functionality.


Update the agent.yaml: Add the file_storage extension and name it checkpoint:

  file_storage/checkpoint:         # Extension Type/Name
    directory: "./checkpoint-dir"  # Define directory
    create_directory: true         # Create directory
    timeout: 1s                    # Timeout for file operations
    compaction:                    # Compaction settings
      on_start: true               # Start compaction at Collector startup
      # Define compaction directory
      directory: "./checkpoint-dir/tmp"
      # Max. size limit before compaction occurs
      max_transaction_size: 65536

Add file_storage to existing otlphttp exporter: Modify the otlphttp: exporter to configure retry and queuing mechanisms, ensuring data is retained and resent if failures occur:

  otlphttp:                       # Exporter Type
    endpoint: "http://localhost:5318" # Gateway OTLP endpoint
    headers:                      # Headers to add to the HTTPcall 
      X-SF-Token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"  # Splunk ACCESS_TOKEN header
    retry_on_failure:             # Retry on failure settings
      enabled: true               # Enables retrying
    sending_queue:                # Sending queue settings
      enabled: true               # Enables Sending queue
      num_consumers: 10           # Number of consumers
      queue_size: 10000           # Maximum queue size
      # File storage extension
      storage: file_storage/checkpoint

Update the services section: Add the file_storage/checkpoint extension to the existing extensions: section. This will cause the extension to be enabled:

  - health_check
  - file_storage/checkpoint       # Enabled extensions for this collector

Update the metrics pipeline: For this exercise we are going to remove the hostmetrics receiver from the Metric pipeline to reduce debug and log noise:

    - otlp                        # OTLP Receiver
    # - hostmetrics               # Hostmetrics Receiver

Validate the agent configuration using otelbin.io. For reference, the logs: section of your pipelines will look similar to this:

graph LR
    %% Nodes
    %% Links
    subgraph " "
      subgraph subID1[**Logs**]
      direction LR
      REC1 --> PRO1
      PRO1 --> PRO2
      PRO2 --> PRO3
      PRO3 --> PRO4
      PRO4 --> EXP1
      PRO4 --> EXP2
classDef receiver,exporter fill:#8b5cf6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef processor fill:#6366f1,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef con-receive,con-export fill:#45c175,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef sub-logs stroke:#34d399,stroke-width:1px, color:#34d399,stroke-dasharray: 3 3;