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Contributing Guidelines



You can install “pytest-splunk-addon” via [pip] from [PyPI]:

$ pip install pytest-splunk-addon

To install currently checked out version of pytest-splunk-addon use:

$ poetry install

Unit tests

poetry run pytest -v tests/unit

e2e tests

  • For e2e tests we are using a functionality of pytest which creates a temp dir and copies all the required file to that dir and then runs the pytest cmd from the tests.
  • e2e tests can be found under /tests/e2e


  • Docker version: 25.0.3
  • Docker Compose version: v2.24.6-desktop.1

Steps to run e2e tests locally:

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
cd pytest-splunk-addon 
poetry install 
poetry run pytest -v --splunk-version=${splunk-version} -m docker -m ${test-marker} tests/e2e

For more details please refer: documentation.


  1. If you face an error like this:

    argparse.ArgumentError: argument -K/–keepalive: conflicting option strings: -K, –keepalive

    • This is likely to happen if you have older version of PSA requirements installed, to solve this try to uninstall lovely-pytest-docker and pull the latest main branch and then do poetry install
  2. If while running the tests you face an exception like this:

    Exception: Command [‘docker’, ‘compose’, ‘-f’, ‘/docker-compose.yml’, ‘-p’, ‘‘, ‘down’, ‘-v’] returned 125: “”“unknown shorthand flag: ‘f’ in -f

    • This happens due to misconfigurations in docker, try to follow below steps:
    • sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/docker
      • sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins
  3. If you face error like this:

    ERROR: no match for platform in manifest: not found

    • Try adding platform: linux/amd64 to docker-compose.yml file

Linting and Type-checking

Pytest-splunk-addon uses the pre-commit framework for linting and type-checking. Consult with pre-commit documentation about what is the best way to install the software.

To run it locally:

pre-commit run --all-files

Documentation changes

Documentation changes are also welcome!

To verify changes locally:

poetry run mkdocs serve -a localhost:8001

Issues and bugs

You can create an issue on GitHub. Please provide relevant details mentioned below:

  • PSA-version, OS/Environment
  • Description of issue/bug
  • How to reproduce
  • Actual-Behaviour vs Expected-Behaviour

Pull requests

We love to see pull requests!

  • We are using conventional commits, so make sure to follow the same in PR titles.
  • In PR description make sure to highlight what changes are done and why they were needed.
  • Also add unit/e2e tests whichever is applicable as per code changes done.
  • Create a PR to develop and once reviewed by code-owners make sure to use squash-merge option.

Note: The semgrep and fossa steps might fail if you are an external contributor. This is expected for now.