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Knowledge Object Tests


  • The tests are written with a purpose of testing the proper functioning of the search-time knowledge objects of the add-on.

  • Search-time knowledge objects are extracted/generated when a search query is executed on a Splunk Instance.

  • The search-time knowledge objects include the following:

    1. Extract
    2. Report
    3. Lookups
    4. Fieldalias
    5. Eval
    6. Eventtypes
    7. Tags
    8. Savedsearches

To generate test cases only for knowledge objects, append the following marker to pytest command:

-m  splunk_searchtime_fields

Test Scenarios

1. Events should be present in source/sourcetype defined in props.conf stanza.


Testcase verifies that there are events mapped with source/sourcetype. Here <stanza> is the source/sourcetype that is defined in the stanza.


  • Plugin gets the list of defined sourcetypes by parsing props.conf
  • For each sourcetype, plugin generates an SPL search query and asserts event_count 0.

2. Fields mentioned under source/sourcetype should be extracted


Testcase verifies that the field should be extracted in the source/sourcetype. Here <stanza> is the source/sourcetype that is defined in the stanza and <fieldname> is the name of a field which is extracted under source/sourcetype.


  • Plugin generates a list of fields extracted under the source/sourcetype by parsing the knowledge objects like Extract, Eval, Fieldalias etc.
  • For each field, plugin generates an SPL search query and asserts event_count 0.

3. Negative scenarios for field values


Testcase verifies that the field should not have “-” (dash) or “” (empty) as a value. Here <stanza> is the source/sourcetype that is defined in the stanza and <fieldname> is name of field which is extracted under source/sourcetype.


  • Plugin generates a list of fields extracted under the source/sourcetype.
  • For each field, plugin generates a search query to check if the field has invalid values like [” “, “-“].
  • For each field, the event count should be 0.

4. All the fields mentioned in an EXTRACT, REPORT, LOOKUP should be extracted in a single event.


All the fields mentioned in EXTRACT, REPORT or LOOKUP can be interdependent. The test case verifies that the extractions are working fine and all the fields are being extracted in a single event. The reason for keeping the test is to identify the corner cases where the fields are being extracted in several events but the extractions mentioned in EXTRACT, REPORT or LOOKUP is not working due to invalid regex/lookup configuration.


  • While parsing the conf file when the plugin finds one of EXTRACT, REPORT, LOOKUP the plugin gets the list of fields extracted and generates a test case.
  • For all the fields in the test case it generates a single SPL search query including the stanza and asserts event_count > 0.
  • This verifies that all the fields are extracted in the same event.

5. Events should be present in each eventtype


Test case verifies that there are events mapped with the eventtype. Here eventtype is an eventtype mentioned in eventtypes.conf.


  • For each eventtype mentioned in eventtypes.conf plugin generates an SPL search query and asserts event_count > 0 for the eventtype.

6. Tags defined in tags.conf should be applied to the events.


Test case verifies that the there are events mapped with the tag. Here <tag_stanza> is a stanza mentioned in tags.conf and <tag> is an individual tag applied to that stanza.


  • In tags.conf for each tag defined in the stanza, the plugin generates a test case.
  • For each tag, the plugin generates a search query including the stanza and the tag and asserts event_count > 0.

7. Search query should be present in each savedsearches.


Test case verifies that the search mentioned in savedsearch.conf generates valid search results. Here savedsearch_stanza is a stanza mentioned in savedsearches.conf file.


  • In savedsearches.conf for each stanza, the plugin generates a test case.
  • For each stanza mentioned in savedsearches.conf plugin generates an SPL search query and asserts event_count > 0 for the savedsearch.

Testcase Troubleshooting

In the case of test-case failure check if:

  • The add-on to be tested is installed on the Splunk instance.
  • Data is generated sufficiently for the add-on being tested.
  • Data is generated sufficiently in the specific index, it is being tested.
  • Splunk licence has not expired.
  • Splunk instance is up and running.
  • Splunk instance’s management port is accessible from the test machine.

If all the above conditions are satisfied, further analysis of the test is required. For every test case failure, there is a defined structure for the stack trace.

AssertionError: <<error_message>>
    Search =  <Query>

Get the search query from the stack trace and execute it on the Splunk instance and verify which specific type of events are causing failure.