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1. Test Case takes forever to run when using splunk-type=external

  • Check all the Splunk instance information provided in arguments are present and correct.
  • --splunk-host, --splunk-port, --splunk-user and --splunk-password are required. If not provided, default values are considered which may not work for every setup.
  • Make sure the Splunk instance is up and running, also the Splunk server’s management port should be accessible to the test machine.

2. Getting No such file or directory while test collection.

  • Check if the path provided in --splunk-app exists.

3. No tests generated for any fields.

  • Make sure the directory mentioned in --splunk-app has a format of Splunk app and has files like all the required configuration files in the default directory.

4. Getting Couldn’t find a version that satisfies the requirement when installing pytest-splunk-addon using pip.

  • Use pip3 install pytest-splunk-addon and make sure you are using python 3.7

5. While executing test cases on Docker, all the test cases abort with the following setup failure:

  • Docker-compose.yml not found.

    • Provide a docker-compose.yml in the root of the current working directory.
  • Couldn’t connect to Docker daemon.

    • Need to restart docker daemon.
  • Service ‘splunk’ failed to build.

    • Check your internet connection
    • Try docker pull splunk/splunk once this is done test cases can be executed.

6. Only no-dash-no-empty test cases are passing

  • If splunk-type is docker, make sure you have add-on getting installed on the Docker OR if external, install the add-on on the Splunk instance.
  • Make sure to configure the inputs to collect data or check if sufficient data required for testing is generated by the pytest-splunk-addon.