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Integrate Asset & Identity Information into Risk Incident Rules


This feature has been added to ES 7.1, utilizing the normalized_risk_object field. This is also utilized for throttling in the default Risk Incident Rules which prevents notables from firing regularly on the same identity with different users or same asset with different hosts if A&I is configured.

This was a comment on this excellent Splunk Idea to lower() or upper() the risk_object in Risk Incident Rules, which goes one step further by integrating A&I information:

| tstats `summariesonly` min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime sum(All_Risk.calculated_risk_score) as risk_score, count(All_Risk.calculated_risk_score) as risk_event_count,values(All_Risk.annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_tactic_id) as annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_tactic_id, values(All_Risk.annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_technique_id) as annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_technique_id, values(All_Risk.tag) as tag, values(source) as source from datamodel=Risk.All_Risk by All_Risk.risk_object,All_Risk.risk_object_type
| `drop_dm_object_name("All_Risk")`
| eval risk_object=upper(risk_object)
| lookup update=true identity_lookup_expanded identity as risk_object OUTPUTNEW _key as asset_identity_id,identity as asset_identity_value
| lookup update=true asset_lookup_by_str asset as risk_object OUTPUTNEW _key as asset_identity_id,asset as asset_identity_value
| eval asset_identity_risk_object=CASE(isnull(asset_identity_id),risk_object,true(),asset_identity_id)
| stats min(firstTime) as firstTime max(lastTime) as lastTime sum(risk_score) as risk_score, sum(risk_event_count) as risk_event_count,values(annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_tactic_id) as annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_tactic_id, dc(annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_tactic_id) as mitre_tactic_id_count, values(annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_technique_id) as annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_technique_id, dc(annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_technique_id) as mitre_technique_id_count, values(tag) as tag, values(source) as source, dc(source) as source_count values(asset_identity_value) as asset_identity_value values(risk_object) as risk_object dc(risk_object) as risk_object_count by asset_identity_risk_object,risk_object_type
| eval "annotations.mitre_attack"='annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_technique_id', risk_threshold=100
| eval user=case(risk_object_type="user",risk_object,true(),user),src=case(risk_object_type="system",risk_object,true(),src)
| where risk_score >= $risk_threshold$
| `get_risk_severity(risk_score)`
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`


As they mention in the comment -- the one "catch" is you'll need to change your throttle object from "risk_object" to "asset_identity_risk_object" -- but this is great for preventing duplicate notables on the same basic user / system combination.

Extra Credit

Adding the above logic will increase the accuracy of Risk based alerting, however pivoting via the built in drilldown will still be limited. The following changes will allow analysts to pivot directly to all Risk alerts detected by the assoicated RIR.

Create a macro called get_risk_asset_ident(2) with the following.

Macro Definition
eval risk_in="$risk_object_in$",risk_type_in="$risk_object_type_in$"
| lookup update=true identity_lookup_expanded identity as risk_object OUTPUTNEW _key as assetid_ident_id,identity as assetid_ident_value 
| lookup update=true asset_lookup_by_str asset as risk_object OUTPUTNEW _key as assetid_asset_id,asset as assetid_asset_value 
| lookup update=true identity_lookup_expanded identity as risk_in OUTPUTNEW _key as assetid_in_ident,identity as assetid_in_ident_value 
| lookup update=true asset_lookup_by_str asset as risk_in OUTPUTNEW _key as assetid_in_asset,asset as assetid_in_asset_value 
| eval risk_object_out=CASE((risk_type_in="user" AND assetid_ident_id = 'assetid_in_ident'),assetid_in_ident_value, (risk_type_in="system" AND (assetid_asset_id = 'assetid_in_asset')),assetid_in_asset_value)
| eval risk_in=upper(risk_in)
| eval risk_object=upper(risk_object)
| where isnotnull(risk_object_out) OR (risk_object = risk_in)

get_risk_asset_ident(2) completed macro

get_risk_asset_ident(2) completed macro.

Update macro permissions

Assign global scope (All apps) and allow all users read permission.

Update existing RiR drilldowns

Modify existing RIR drilldowns to include the macro similar to below.

| from datamodel:"Risk.All_Risk"  
| `get_risk_asset_ident($risk_object|s$,$risk_object_type|s$)`
| `get_correlations`  
| rename annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_tactic_id as mitre_tactic_id, annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_tactic as mitre_tactic, annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_technique_id as mitre_technique_id, annotations.mitre_attack.mitre_technique as mitre_technique


@7thdrxn - Haylee Mills

Last update: April 7, 2023
Created: November 15, 2022