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Once everything is installed and enabled, users will see new ES notables with a title of ITSI Alert - rule. The rule will be replaced with the ITSI Notable Event Aggregation Policy (NEAP) that created the episode. The correlation search will make every attempt to correlate the entity that came from ITSI with a valid asset in ES. The notable in ES includes helpful pieces of information from ITSI. Below maps the fields from ITSI to ES to help the teams collaborate and view the same alert

ES Field ITSI Field
Reason itsi_group_title
Rule Identifier itsi_policy_id
Source entity_title
View itsi_group_id (unique episode ID)
Severity itsi_group_severity
Description itsi_group_description


In ITSI users will see new notables with a title of ES Alert - rule. The rule will be replaced with the ES correlation search (rule) that created the notable. Once an organizations NEAPs are adjusted, these notables should become part of larger episodes to help raise visibility that a secuirty alert is affecting the same entity as the episode. Correlation is done on the asset from ES to the ITSI entity title. The notable in ITSI includes helpful pieces of information from ES. Below maps the fields from ES to ITSI to help the teams collaborate and view the same alert

ITSI Field ES Field
entity_title risk_object,dest_asset,src_asset,dest,src
notable_description rule_title
notable_id rule_id (unique notable ID)
rule source (correlation search)
urgency urgency
Drilldown Link Direct link to the notable in ES