AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot |
index="<your index>" eventtype=aws_billing_monthly_report [search index="<your index>"] eventtype=aws_billing_monthly_report [search eventtype=aws_billing_monthly_report | dedup report_month sortby -_time | return 1000 S3KeyLastModified]
AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot |
index=<"your index"> eventtype=aws_billing_detail_report [search index=<"your index">] eventtype=aws_billing_detail_report [search eventtype=aws_billing_detail_report RecordType=StatementTotal | dedup report_month sortby -_time | return 1000 S3KeyLastModified]
AWS Bill - Total Cost until Now |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=StatementTotal | stats sum(TotalCost) as TotalCost, first(CurrencyCode) as CurrencyCode display.general.type = statistics = 0 request.ui_dispatch_view = search
AWS Bill - Total Cost until Now by Service |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LinkedLineItem | stats sum(TotalCost) as TotalCost, first(CurrencyCode) as CurrencyCode by ProductName
AWS Bill - Total Cost until Now by Linked Account |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=AccountTotal | stats sum(TotalCost) as TotalCost, first(CurrencyCode) as CurrencyCode by LinkedAccount
AWS Bill - Monthly Cost |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=StatementTotal | timechart span=1mon sum(TotalCost) as TotalCost
AWS Bill - Monthly Cost by Service |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LinkedLineItem | timechart span=1mon sum(TotalCost) as TotalCost by ProductName limit=20
AWS Bill - Monthly Cost by Linked Account |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=AccountTotal | timechart span=1mon sum(TotalCost) by LinkedAccount limit=20
AWS Bill - Current Month Cost until Now |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=StatementTotal | eval date_month=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m") | eval current_month=strftime(now(), "%Y-%m") | where date_month=current_month | stats sum(TotalCost) as TotalCost, first(CurrencyCode) as CurrencyCode display.general.type = statistics display = 0 request.ui_dispatch_view = search
AWS Bill - Current Month Cost until Now by Service |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LinkedLineItem | eval date_month=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m") | eval current_month=strftime(now(), "%Y-%m") | where date_month=current_month | stats sum(TotalCost) as TotalCost, first(CurrencyCode) as CurrencyCode by ProductName
AWS Bill - Current Month Cost until Now by Linked Account |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Monthly Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=AccountTotal | eval date_month=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m") | eval current_month=strftime(now(), "%Y-%m") | where date_month=current_month | stats sum(TotalCost) as TotalCost, first(CurrencyCode) as CurrencyCode by LinkedAccount
AWS Bill - Daily Cost through Last Month - Blended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1day sum(BlendedCost) as TotalCost
AWS Bill - Daily Cost through Last Month by Service - Blended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1day sum(BlendedCost) as TotalCost by ProductName limit=20
AWS Bill - Daily Cost through Last Month by Linked Account - Blended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1day sum(BlendedCost) as TotalCost by LinkedAccount limit=20
AWS Bill - Total Cost through Last Month by Region - Blended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | stats sum(BlendedCost) as TotalCost by AvailabilityZone
AWS Bill - Monthly Cost through Last Month by Region - Blended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1mon sum(BlendedCost) as TotalCost by AvailabilityZone limit=20
AWS Bill - Daily Cost through Last Month by Region - Blended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1day sum(BlendedCost) as TotalCost by AvailabilityZone limit=20
AWS Bill - Total Daytime Cost through Last Month - Blended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | eval date_hour=strftime(_time, "%H") | search (date_hour>=7 AND date_hour<=17) | stats sum(BlendedCost) as TotalCost display.general.type = statistics = 0 request.ui_dispatch_view = search
AWS Bill - Total Nighttime Cost through Last Month - Blended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | eval date_hour=strftime(_time, "%H") | search (date_hour < 7 OR date_hour > 17) | stats sum(BlendedCost) as TotalCost display.general.type = statistics = 0 request.ui_dispatch_view = search
AWS Bill - Daily Cost through Last Month - Unblended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1day sum(UnBlendedCost) as TotalCost
AWS Bill - Total Cost through Last Month by Region - Unblended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | stats sum(UnBlendedCost) as TotalCost by AvailabilityZone
AWS Bill - Daily Cost through Last Month by Service - Unblended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1day sum(UnBlendedCost) as TotalCost by ProductName limit=20
AWS Bill - Daily Cost through Last Month by Linked Account - Unblended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1day sum(UnBlendedCost) as TotalCost by LinkedAccount limit=20
AWS Bill - Monthly Cost through Last Month by Region - Unblended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1mon sum(UnBlendedCost) as TotalCost by AvailabilityZone limit=20
AWS Bill - Daily Cost through Last Month by Region - Unblended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | timechart span=1day sum(UnBlendedCost) as TotalCost by AvailabilityZone limit=20
AWS Bill - Total Daytime Cost through Last Month - Unblended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | eval date_hour=strftime(_time, "%H") | search (date_hour>=7 AND date_hour<=17) | stats sum(UnBlendedCost) as TotalCost display.general.type = statistics = 0 request.ui_dispatch_view = search
AWS Bill - Total Nighttime Cost through Last Month - Unblended |
| savedsearch "AWS Bill - Detailed Cost Latest Snapshot" | search RecordType=LineItem | eval date_hour=strftime(_time, "%H") | search (date_hour < 7 OR date_hour > 17) | stats sum(UnBlendedCost) as TotalCost display.general.type = statistics = 0 request.ui_dispatch_view = search
Addon Metadata - Migrate AWS Accounts |
| listawsaccounts | collect aws-account-index
Addon Metadata - Summarize AWS Inputs |
disabled = 1 enableSched = 1 cron_schedule = 0 * * * * dispatch.earliest_time = 0 dispatch.latest_time = now search = | listawsinputs | collect aws-input-index