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Release notes history

The latest version of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki is version 2.2.1. See the Release notes for more information.

Version 2.2.0

Version 2.2.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki was released on October 01, 2024.

Splunk Enterprise platform versions 9.2.x, 9.3.x
CIM 5.3.2
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Cisco Meraki API v1.38.0


The field alias functionality is compatible with the current version of this add-on. The current version of this add-on does not support older field alias configurations.

For more information about the field alias configuration change, refer to the Splunk Enterprise Release Notes.

New features

The Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki 2.2.0 introduces the following changes:

  • Provided compatibility for IPv6.
  • Provided compatibility with latest CIM version v5.3.2 for all events.
  • Establishment of well-standardized documentation.
  • Introduced TA monitoring dashboard.
  • Upgrade of UCC version.
  • Added validation while creating the Organization.
  • Security fixes.

Fixed issues

Version 2.2.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki fixes the following issues.

Known issues

Version 2.2.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki has the following known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Version 2.2.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki does not incorporate third-party software or libraries.

Version 2.1.0

Version 2.1.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki was released on February 20, 2024.

Splunk Enterprise platform versions 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 Splunk Cloud (Classic Stack with IDM and Search Head on Victoria)
CIM 5.0.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Cisco Meraki API v1.38.0


The field alias functionality is compatible with the current version of this add-on. The current version of this add-on does not support older field alias configurations.

For more information about the field alias configuration change, refer to the Splunk Enterprise Release Notes.

New features

This release includes the following changes:

  • Splunk listed on the Cisco Meraki Marketplace.

Fixed issues

Version 2.1.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 2.1.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki the following known issues.

Third-party software attributions


Version 2.0.3

Version 2.0.3 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki was released on February 6, 2024.

Splunk Enterprise platform versions 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 Splunk Cloud (Classic Stack with IDM and Search Head on Victoria)
CIM 5.0.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Cisco Meraki API v1.38.0


The field alias functionality is compatible with the current version of this add-on. The current version of this add-on does not support older field alias configurations.

For more information about the field alias configuration change, refer to the Splunk Enterprise Release Notes.

New features

This release includes the following changes:

  • Fixed a security vulnerability found in Meraki library by removing a vulnerable package inside the library.

Fixed issues

Version 2.0.3 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 2.0.3 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki the following known issues.

Third-party software attributions


Version 2.0.2

Version 2.0.2 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki was released on January 6, 2024.

Splunk Enterprise platform versions 8.2, 9.0, 9.1 Splunk Cloud (Classic Stack with IDM and Search Head on Victoria)
CIM 5.0.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Cisco Meraki API v1.34.0


The field alias functionality is compatible with the current version of this add-on. The current version of this add-on does not support older field alias configurations.

For more information about the field alias configuration change, refer to the Splunk Enterprise Release Notes.

New features

This release includes the following changes:

  • Updated certifications to 2023.11.17 and urllib3 to 1.26.18.

Fixed issues

Version 2.0.2 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 2.0.2 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki the following known issues.

Third-party software attributions


Version 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki was released on March 7, 2023.

Splunk Enterprise platform versions 8.1, 8.2, 9.0 Splunk Cloud (Classic Stack with IDM and Search Head on Victoria)
CIM 5.0.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Cisco Meraki API v1.22.0


The field alias functionality is compatible with the current version of this add-on. The current version of this add-on does not support older field alias configurations.

For more information about the field alias configuration change, refer to the Splunk Enterprise Release Notes.

New features

This release includes the following changes:

  • Fixed a security vulnerability found in the certifi library.

Fixed issues

Version 2.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 2.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki the following known issues.

Date resolved Issue number Description
2024-02-09 ADDON-68604 Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki in version 2.0.1 and below are affected due to Meraki API v0 sunset, and will not work properly.

Please update Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki to version 2.0.2 or newer.

Third-party software attributions


Version 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki was released on August 22, 2022.

Splunk Enterprise platform versions 8.1, 8.2, 9.0 Splunk Cloud (Classic Stack with IDM and Search Head on Victoria)
CIM 5.0.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Cisco Meraki API v1.22.0


The field alias functionality is compatible with the current version of this add-on. The current version of this add-on does not support older field alias configurations.

For more information about the field alias configuration change, refer to the Splunk Enterprise Release Notes.

This release includes the following changes:

  • eventData.ip is mapped to src_ip for dhcp_lease instead of to dest_ip. eventData.server_ip mapped to dest_ip. If content was built on the fields, review and update as needed.
  • Support for the China Service Region has been added to Configuration > Organization

Refer to “Information for Users in China” for more information about the service

  • Air Marshal scan results: An Air Marshal input has been added. The input uses the getNetworkWirelessAirMarshal endpoint to get scan results.

NOTE: Data loaded to Splunk is limited to what is exposed in the endpoint. Particularly, there are no SSIDs categorization as in Dashboard GUI - as Rogue SSIDs, Other SSIDs, Spoofs, etc. This release is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

  • Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki field mapping changes:
Source-type meraki_event_type Fields added Fields removed
['meraki:securityappliances'] dhcp_lease src_ip, duration user

Fixed issues

Version 2.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 2.0.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki the following known issues.

Third-party software attributions


Version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki was released on November 12, 2021. It is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk Enterprise platform versions 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 Splunk Cloud (Classic Stack with IDM and Search Head on Victoria)
CIM 4.18.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Cisco Meraki API v1.12.0


The field alias functionality is compatible with the current version of this add-on. The current version of this add-on does not support older field alias configurations.

For more information about the field alias configuration change, refer to the Splunk Enterprise Release Notes.

Fixed issues

Version 1.1.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 1.1.0 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki the following known issues.

Third-party software attributions


Version 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki was released on June 4, 2021. It is compatible with the following software, CIM versions, and platforms.

Splunk platform versions 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
CIM 4.18.1
Platforms Platform independent
Vendor Products Cisco Meraki API v1.7.0


The field alias functionality is compatible with the current version of this add-on. The current version of this add-on does not support older field alias configurations.

For more information about the field alias configuration change, refer to the Splunk Enterprise Release Notes.

Fixed issues

Version 1.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki contains the following fixed issues.

Known issues

Version 1.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki contains the following known issues.

Third-party software attributions

Version 1.0.1 of the Splunk Add-on for Cisco Meraki incorporates the following third-party software or libraries.

Library License
meraki 1.7.2
PySocks 1.7.1
aiohttp 3.7.4.post0
async_timeout 3.0.1
certifi 2020.12.5 meraki
chardet 4.0.0
future 0.18.2
httplib2 0.19.0
idna 3.1
multidict 5.1.0
requests 2.25.1
schematics 2.1.0
sortedcontainers 2.3.0
urllib3 1.26.4
yarl 1.6.3
addonfactory-ucc-generator 4.4.0