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Source types for the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform

The Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides the index-time and search-time knowledge for Google Cloud Platform logs and billing data in the following formats:

To better align with the Google Cloud Platform, and to provide a better understanding of the data coming from the cloud, the 4.0.0 release of the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform contains improvements to sourcetyping that affect the google:gcp:pubsub:audit:auth, google:gcp:pubsub:audit:change, and google:gcp:pubsub:message source types. These improvements provide more granular sourcetyping on incoming data from your GCP deployment, enhancing your ability to investigate and simplifying the development of dashboards in Splunk that use GCP data. Upgrading to version 4.0.0 or higher will cause any inline searches, pivots, or reports that use these source types to not work for the GCP data that is being ingested after upgrading to version 4.0.0 of this add-on. To ensure continuity of searches and reports on GCP data coming in after the upgrade to version 4.0.0 or later, review and perform the steps contained in the Upgrade the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform topic in this manual.

Source type Description CIM data models
google:gcp:pubsub:audit:data_access Data from Pub/Sub (GCP Authentication Audit Logs) Authentication
google:gcp:pubsub:audit:admin_activity Data from Pub/Sub Change
google:gcp:pubsub:audit:system_event Data from Pub/Sub Change
google:gcp:pubsub:audit:policy_denied Data from Pub/Sub
google:gcp:pubsub:access_transparency Data from Pub/Sub
google:gcp:pubsub:audit:auth Data from Pub/Sub (GCP Authentication Audit Logs) Authentication
google:gcp:pubsub:message Data from Pub/Sub Authentication
google:gcp:pubsub:platform Data from Pub/Sub None
google:gcp:pubsublite:message Data from Pub/Sub Lite None
google:gcp:monitoring Data from Cloud Monitor service None
google:gcp:billing:standard_usage_cost Data from Standard Usage Cost reports None
google:gcp:billing:detailed_usage_cost Data from Detailed Usage Cost reports None
google:gcp:billing:pricing Data from Pricing Table reports None
google:gcp:buckets:accesslogs Cloud Storage Bucket server access logs for a storage account Change
google:gcp:buckets:csvdata CSV contents of objects present in the Cloud Storage Bucket None
google:gcp:buckets:data Generic source type for the contents of other file extensions. Depending upon file extension (.csv, .xml and .json), the sourcetypes would be categorised in google:gcp:buckets:csvdata, google:gcp:buckets:xmldata, and google:gcp:buckets:jsondata, respectively None
google:gcp:buckets:jsondata JSON contents of objects present in the Cloud Storage Bucket None
google:gcp:buckets:metadata Cloud Storage Bucket metadata None
google:gcp:resource:metadata Resource Metadata of Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, Kubernetes and VPC Access None
google:gcp:buckets:xmldata XML contents of objects present in the Cloud Storage Bucket None
User defined Modular input. See the REST API reference page for more information. None
google:billing:json Data from billing that is in JSON value. None
google:billing:csv Data from billing that is in CSV value. None
google:gcp:billing:report Data from billing reports. None
google:gcp:gsuite:admin:directory:users Data from G Suite users. None
google:gcp:compute:instance Data from Compute Engine virtual machine instances. None
google:gcp:compute:vpc_flows Data from Compute Engine VPC flow logs. None
google:gcp:security:alerts Data from security alerts. None