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Create Active Directory permissions for configuring Microsoft Account

Create Active Directory permissions for configuring Microsoft Account

To collect data for Microsoft Security sourcetypes, you must configure an Active Directory Application Account with appropriate permissions in Azure Active Directory Portal. Permissions required for different sourcetypes:

Purpose Sourcetype Permission/Role Input type
Read Incidents and its associated Alerts ms365:defender:incident / ms365:defender:incident:alert Incident.Read.All, SecurityIncident.Read.All* Modular Input
Read Alerts ms:defender:atp:alerts Alert.Read.All, SecurityAlert.Read.All* Modular Input
Update Incidents ms365:defender:incident / ms365:defender:incident:alert Incident.ReadWrite.All, SecurityIncident.ReadWrite.All* Alert Action
Fetch Advance Hunt query results m365:defender:incident:
AdvancedHunting.Read.All, ThreatHunting.Read.All* Alert Action
Read Simulation reports data ms:defender:simulations AttackSimulation.Read.All Modular Input
Read Microsoft Defender generated Advanced Hunting events from Azure Event Hub using streaming API ms:defender:eventhub Azure Active Directory account with Role “Azure Event Hubs Data Receiver”** Modular Input
Read Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence datasets ms:defender:articles / ms:defender:ti:article_indicators / ms:defender:ti:certificates / ms:defender:ti:components / ms:defender:ti:cookies / ms:defender:ti:hostpairs / ms:defender:ti:passivedns / ms:defender:ti:subdomains / ms:defender:ti:trackers / ms:defender:ti:whois ThreatIntelligence.Read.All Modular Input

Permissions with an (*) are required if you are pulling or pushing data via the Microsoft Graph REST APIs.

Role with an (**) is required for getting events from eventhub. You can refer to Microsoft docs for configuring streaming API to stream data from Microsoft 365 Defender Portal to Azure Event Hubs. After the streaming API has been configured, Advanced Hunting data will be streamed to Azure Event Hub in real time and add-on will collect the data from Azure Event Hub.

After creating the Active Directory Application, login to the Azure Portal and refer to the Azure documentation and:

  • Ensure that Alert permissions are set to
    • “Alert.Read.All” or “Alert.ReadWrite.All” when using Microsoft 365 APIs
    • “SecurityAlert.Read.All” or “SecurityAlert.ReadWrite.All” when using Microsoft Graph REST APIs
  • Ensure that Incidents permissions are set to
    • “Incident.ReadWrite.All” or “Incident.Read.All” or “AdvancedHunting.Read.All” when using Microsoft 365 APIs
    • “SecurityIncident.Read.All” or “SecurityIncident.ReadWrite.All” or “ThreatHunting.Read.All” when using Microsoft Graph REST APIs