Use Dashboards to view the analytics for the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Security¶
MS Security TA logs Dashboard¶
You can view the log analytics and performance data for the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Security using this dashboard.
- Navigate to Add-on UI > Log Analytics > MS Security TA logs.
- Select time range from timepicker with label Time for logs in the top left corner.
- Now you can view different type of analytics and panels related to TA logs.
Panels provided in this Dashboard include:
- Microsoft Security TA
- Roles for the MS Security (Requires DEBUG logs enabled)
- CPU consumption (Supported only on specific OS)
- Memory consumption (Supported only on specific OS)
- ATP Alerts ingested
- Defender Incidents ingested
- Defender Incidents
- Defender Alerts associated with Incidents
- Events from EventHub ingested
- Advance Hunting ingested
- Phishing Simulation Attack ingested
- EPS by MS Security sourcetype (EPS stands for Events per Second)
- MS Security .conf current changes
- MS Security .conf update frequency
MS Security TA Errors Dashboard¶
You can view the Error analytics and performance data sourcetype wise for the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Security using this dashboard.
- Navigate to Add-on UI > Log Analytics > MS Security TA Errors.
- Select time range from the time selector with the label Time for logs in the top left corner.
- Now you can view different types of analytics and panels related to the TA logs.
Panels provided in this Dashboard:
- ATP Alerts errors
- Defender Incidents errors
- Defender EventHub Input errors
- Advance Hunting errors
- Defender Simulations errors
MDTI ingestion stats Dashboard¶
On this dashboard, you can view ingestion statistics and performance data presented by sourcetype for the “Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence Datasets” inputs.
- Navigate to Add-on UI > Log Analytics > MDTI ingestion stats.
- Select time range from the time selector with the label Time Range in the top left corner.
- Select index where the data is ingested.
- Now you can view different types of analytics and panels related to the TA logs.
Panels provided in this Dashboard:
- Events/1m ingestion rate by Sourcetype
- Events/1m ingestion rate
- Events ingested by Sourcetype
- Hosts Ingested by Sourcetype
- Input Ingestion Stats /1m
- API Health Metrics /1m
- Input Log