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Add-ons comparison

  1. Improved CIM mapping

    • Added support for new OS versions: PanOS 10 & PanOS 11.
    • Review existing mappings. Differences between Add-ons.
    • Map new types of events.
  2. Migration of technical assets from the Security App to the Add-on

    • Moved custom search commands to add-on (will be available in future releases).
    • Moved macro to add-on.
  3. New feature

    • Monitoring dashboard (health check page) and the ability to request detailed events from Cortex XDR.
  4. Changes in macro

    • Basic macros are now designed to look for data in “index=pan*”. If that definition does not match your index configuration, you can make changes to the p_index macro.
  5. Configuration changes for IoT security & Cortex XDR modular inputs

    • Moved Customer ID, Access Key ID, Secret Access Key parameters from IoT Security modular input configuration to the IoT Accounts section on the Configuration page.
    • Moved Tenant name, Tenant region, API Key ID, API Key parameters from Cortex XDR modular input configuration to the Cortex XDR Accounts section on the Configuration page.
    • Collection date time start was added to both inputs, to specify the start of data and time collection.
    • Incident details parameter added to enable detailed event retention from Cortex XDR.
  6. Clean up of deprecated features

    • Removed deprecated modular inputs (Aperture, MineMeld, AutoField) from add-on.
    • Removed unused mappings for deprecated source types (Aperture, MineMeld, and AutoField).
    • Removed deprecated macros and saved searches for Aperture, MineMeld and AutoField.
    • Removed Alert Actions.