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Configure event log inputs for the Splunk add-on for Salesforce

Configure Salesforce object inputs for Splunk Add-on for Salesforce using Splunk Web or via configuration file, using the information in the inputs parameters table below.

Due to the complexity of the setup, Splunk recommends configuring inputs for Salesforce via Splunk Web.

Configure Salesforce event log inputs via Splunk web

  1. In the Inputs tab, click Create New Input.
  2. Choose Salesforce Event Log.
  3. Enter the information in the related fields using the following inputs parameter table.

Configure Salesforce event log inputs via inputs.conf

To configure inputs manually in inputs.conf, create stanzas using the following parameters and add them to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_salesforce/local/inputs.conf. If the file or path does not exist, create it:

account = <string>
interval = <integer>
start_date = <YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000z>
monitoring_interval = <string>
python.version = <string>

Input Parameters

Each attribute in the following table corresponds to a field in Splunk Web:

Attribute Corresponding field in Splunk Web Description
account Salesforce Account The Salesforce account that has enough permission to get the related data in.
interval Interval The number of seconds to wait before the Splunk platform runs the command again.
index Index The index in which to store Salesforce object data. The default is default.
start_date Query Start Date The add-on starts collecting data with a date later than this. The format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000z and the default value is 30 days earlier from now.
monitoring_interval Monitor Interval The interval at which to collect data from your Salesforce account’s EventLog files. The parameter can be set to hourly or daily based on the user need. The default is daily.