Performance Reference for Splunk Add-on for Unix and Linux
The following table provides the Search time performance metric for Unix and Linux TA version 10.0.0, where
- total ingested events = 35M
- Machine Specifications = m5.large (2 vCPUs, 8.0 GiB of memory and up to 10 Gibps of bandwidth)
Sourcetype | Search Query | Event count | Search Time in Seconds |
Linux:SELinuxConfig | index=main spurcetype=Linux:SELinuxConfig | 1000000 | 27.149 |
Unix:ListeningPorts | index=main spurcetype=Unix:ListeningPorts | 1000000 | 27.829 |
Unix:SSHDConfig | index=main spurcetype=Unix:SSHDConfig | 1000000 | 28.1195 |
Unix:Service | index=main spurcetype=Unix:Service | 1000000 | 28.7235 |
Unix:Update | index=main spurcetype=Unix:Update | 1000000 | 29.0225 |
Unix:Uptime | index=main spurcetype=Unix:Uptime | 1000000 | 26.185 |
Unix:UserAccounts | index=main spurcetype=Unix:UserAccounts | 1000000 | 31.4405 |
Unix:VSFTPDConfig | index=main spurcetype=Unix:VSFTPDConfig | 1000000 | 30.285 |
Unix:Version | index=main spurcetype=Unix:Version | 1000000 | 34.8225 |
aix_secure | index=main spurcetype=aix_secure | 1000000 | 48.667 |
auditd | index=main spurcetype=auditd | 1000000 | 45.6775 |
bandwidth | index=main spurcetype=bandwidth | 1000000 | 32.818 |
cpu | index=main spurcetype=cpu | 1000000 | 43.0995 |
df | index=main spurcetype=df | 1000000 | 49.058 |
dhcpd | index=main spurcetype=dhcpd | 1000000 | 75.419 |
hardware | index=main spurcetype=hardware | 1000000 | 45.0395 |
interfaces | index=main spurcetype=interfaces | 1000000 | 44.868 |
iostat | index=main spurcetype=iostat | 1000000 | 61.5745 |
lastlog | index=main spurcetype=lastlog | 1000000 | 30.6895 |
linux_audit | index=main spurcetype=linux_audit | 1000000 | 46.4935 |
linux_secure | index=main spurcetype=linux_secure | 1000000 | 61.401 |
lsof | index=main spurcetype=lsof | 1000000 | 35.1035 |
netstat | index=main spurcetype=netstat | 1000000 | 41.1655 |
nfsiostat | index=main spurcetype=nfsiostat | 1000000 | 37.9745 |
openPorts | index=main spurcetype=openPorts | 1000000 | 26.067 |
package | index=main spurcetype=package | 1000000 | 33.6925 |
protocol | index=main spurcetype=protocol | 1000000 | 35.889 |
ps | index=main spurcetype=ps | 1000000 | 51.4015 |
syslog | index=main spurcetype=syslog | 1000000 | 57.361 |
time | index=main spurcetype=time | 1000000 | 32.249 |
top | index=main spurcetype=top | 1000000 | 34.978 |
usersWithLoginPrivs | index=main spurcetype=usersWithLoginPrivs | 1000000 | 27.7015 |
vmstat | index=main spurcetype=vmstat | 1000000 | 56.173 |
who | index=main spurcetype=who | 1000000 | 28.9615 |