
Install Splunk-Ansible

The playbooks of Splunk-Ansible are executed through a local connection. You should run the ansible-playbook command on the node you wish to bring up as a fully-fledged Splunk Enterprise instance. Accordingly, this means the contents of this repository must be packaged into the infrastructure layer itself.

While it can be possible to provision a remote instance using these same playbooks, we do not officially support this.


In order to run Ansible and use these plays, you need to install the following dependencies on the host you want to deploy as a Splunk Enterprise installation:

Be mindful of the different hardware and system requirements for each node in your Splunk Enterprise deployment. For more information, see Splunk Enterprise recommended hardware guidelines.

Configure parameters

Before you run Ansible, you need to tell it what hosts to act against, as well as tune how Splunk Enterprise gets set up!

  1. Start with standing up a host. For the purposes of bringing up an ephemeral target environment, we’ll be using Docker to bring up the image splunk/splunk:latest as so:
    $ docker run -d --name splcontainer -p 8000:8000 splunk/splunk:latest no-provision
  2. Next, you must generate all the variables necessary to setup Splunk Enterprise. From here on forward, this collection of variables will be known as the default.yml. The splunk/splunk:latest Docker image can also be used to generate these variables:
    $ docker run -it splunk/splunk:latest create-defaults > default.yml

    Alternatively, you can download the example default.yml supplied here.

  3. Define a few key variables in your default.yml:
    • splunk.role: the role this instance will play in the Splunk Enterprise deployment. (e.g. splunk_standalone)
    • splunk.build_location: URL to dynamically fetch the Splunk Enterprise build and install it at run time
    • splunk.password: default admin user password that Splunk will be provisioned with on first-time run
  4. Inspect your newly-created default.yml and tweak options as you see fit. For a full list of parameters, please see the default.yml.spec.

Execute playbooks

In order to get your container to run Ansible, it needs a copy of all the playbooks.

  1. If you’re using the splunk/splunk Docker image, it conveniently already has all of the playbooks available - but for the sake of this exercise, copy everything in this repo into your remote host which is the container:
    $ docker cp . splcontainer:/tmp/splunk-ansible/
  2. Run the following command
    $ docker exec -it splcontainer bash -c 'cd /tmp/splunk-ansible; ansible-playbook --inventory localhost, --connection local site.yml --extra-vars "@default.yml"'

    You should see streaming Ansible output in your terminal. Here is what is happening when you run the above command:

    • ansible-playbook command is invoked using the playbook site.yml
    • The local connection plugin is explicitly used with --connection local
    • Splunk Enterprise is configured towards your desired state as defined in --extra-vars "@default.yml"
  3. If everything went smoothly, you can log in to Splunk Enterprise with your browser pointed at http://localhost:8000 using the credentials admin/helloworld. Additionally, Ansible should exit gracefully and you will the following if there are no errors:
    PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************
    splunk                     : ok=29   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0

    NOTE: The ok/changed count may change over time, but it’s vital to see failed=0 if everything went well.

See also