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Network monitoring dashboard

A set of preconfigured dashboards is available in the observability repository, which can be imported into Splunk to monitor the basic metrics of SNMP Agents.

Network Devices Dashboard

Network Devices Dashboard

SNMP Agents Dashboard

SNMP Agents Dashboard

SC4SNMP monitoring dashboard

The dashboard is a monitoring tool to ensure that SC4SNMP is working correctly. It is a set of charts that show the status of SC4SNMP tasks.



Dashboard is compatible starting from version 1.11.0 and requires the logLevel set at least to INFO.

  1. Create metrics index in Splunk.
  2. Enable metrics logging for your runtime:

Install dashboard

  1. In Splunk platform open Search -> Dashboards.
  2. Click on Create New Dashboard and make an empty dashboard. Be sure to choose Classic Dashboards.
  3. In the Edit Dashboard view, go to Source and replace the initial xml with the contents of dashboard.xml. The file can be found on release page in attachments under your SC4SNMP version.
  4. Save your changes. The dashboard is ready to use.

Metrics explanation

Polling dashboards

To check that polling on your device is working correctly, look at SNMP schedule of polling tasks dashboard. With this chart you can understand when SC4SNMP scheduled polling for your device last time. The process works if it runs regularly.

After double-checking that SC4SNMP scheduled polling tasks for your SNMP device we need to be sure that polling is working. For that look at another dashboard SNMP polling status and if everything is working you will see only succeeded status of polling. If something is going wrong you will see also another status (like on screenshot), then use troubleshooting docs for that.

Polling dashboards

Walk dashboards

To check that walk on your device is working correctly first of all check SNMP schedule of walk tasks dashboard. Using this chart you can understand when SC4SNMP scheduled walk for your SNMP device last time. The process works if it runs regularly.

After double-checking that SC4SNMP scheduled walk tasks for your SNMP device we need to be sure walk is running. For that look at another dashboard SNMP walk status and if everything is working you will see only succeeded status of walk. If something is going wrong you will see another status (like on screenshot), then use troubleshooting docs for that.

Walk dashboards

Trap dashboards

First of all check SNMP traps authorisation dashboard, if you see only succeeded status it means that authorisation is configured correctly, otherwise please use troubleshooting docs for that.

After checking that we do not have any authorisation traps issues we can check that trap tasks are working correctly. For that we need to go SNMP trap status dashboard, if we have only succeeded status it means that everything is working, otherwise we will see information with another status.

Trap dashboards

Other dashboards

We also have tasks that will be a callback for walk and poll. For example send will publish result in Splunk. We need to be sure that after successful walk and poll those callbacks have completed. Please check that we have only successful status for those tasks.

Other dashboards