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.env file configuration

Inside the directory with the docker compose files, there is a .env. Variables in it can be divided into few sections.


Variable Description
SC4SNMP_IMAGE The registry and name of the SC4SNMP image to pull
SC4SNMP_TAG SC4SNMP image tag to pull
SCHEDULER_CONFIG_FILE_ABSOLUTE_PATH Absolute path to scheduler-config.yaml file
TRAPS_CONFIG_FILE_ABSOLUTE_PATH Absolute path to traps-config.yaml file
INVENTORY_FILE_ABSOLUTE_PATH Absolute path to inventory.csv file
COREFILE_ABS_PATH Absolute path to Corefile used by coreDNS. Default Corefile can be found inside the docker_compose

Network configuration

Variable Description
COREDNS_ADDRESS IP address of the coredns inside docker network. Should not be changed
COREDNS_ADDRESS_IPv6 IPv6 address of the coredns inside docker network. Should not be changed
IPv6_ENABLED Enable receiving traps and polling from IPv6 devices
IPAM_SUBNET Subnet in CIDR format that represents a network segment
IPAM_GATEWAY IPv4 gateway for the master subnet
IPAM_SUBNET_IPv6 Subnet in CIDR format that represents a network segment for IPv6
IPAM_GATEWAY_IPv6 IPv6 gateway for the master subnet


In case of configuring more than one IPv4 and IPv6 subnet in IPAM, docker compose file should be edited.

Images of dependencies

Variable Description
COREDNS_IMAGE Registry and name of Coredns image
COREDNS_TAG Coredns image tag to pull
MIBSERVER_IMAGE Registry and name of Mibserver image
MIBSERVER_TAG Mibserver image tag to pull
REDIS_IMAGE Registry and name of Redis image
REDIS_TAG Redis image tag to pull
MONGO_IMAGE Registry and name of MongoDB image
MONGO_TAG MongoDB image tag to pull

Splunk instance

Variable Description
SPLUNK_HEC_HOST IP address or a domain name of a Splunk instance to send data to
SPLUNK_HEC_PROTOCOL The protocol of the HEC endpoint: https or http
SPLUNK_HEC_PORT The port of the HEC endpoint
SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN Splunk HTTP Event Collector token
SPLUNK_HEC_INSECURESSL Whether to skip checking the certificate of the HEC endpoint when sending data over HTTPS
SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE_TRAPS Splunk sourcetype for trap events
SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE_POLLING_EVENTS Splunk sourcetype for non-metric polling events
SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE_POLLING_METRICS Splunk sourcetype for metric polling events
SPLUNK_HEC_INDEX_EVENTS Name of the Splunk event index
SPLUNK_HEC_INDEX_METRICS Name of the Splunk metrics index
SPLUNK_HEC_PATH Path for the HEC endpoint
SPLUNK_AGGREGATE_TRAPS_EVENTS When set to true makes traps events collected as one event inside splunk
IGNORE_EMPTY_VARBINDS Details can be found in empty snmp response message issue
SPLUNK_LOG_INDEX Event index in Splunk where logs from docker containers would be sent



Variable Description
WALK_RETRY_MAX_INTERVAL Maximum time interval between walk attempts
WALK_MAX_RETRIES Maximum number of walk retries
METRICS_INDEXING_ENABLED Details can be found in append oid index part to the metrics
POLL_BASE_PROFILES Enable polling base profiles (with IF-MIB and SNMPv2-MIB)
IGNORE_NOT_INCREASING_OIDS Ignoring occurred: OID not increasing issues for hosts specified in the array, ex: IGNORE_NOT_INCREASING_OIDS=,
WORKER_LOG_LEVEL Logging level of the workers, possible options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL
UDP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds for SNMP operations
MAX_OID_TO_PROCESS Sometimes SNMP Agent cannot accept more than X OIDs per once, so if the error “TooBig” is visible in logs, decrease the number of MAX_OID_TO_PROCESS

Worker Poller

Variable Description
WORKER_POLLER_CONCURRENCY Minimum number of threads in the poller container
PREFETCH_POLLER_COUNT How many tasks are consumed from the queue at once in the poller container
WORKER_POLLER_REPLICAS Number of docker replicas of worker poller container
WORKER_POLLER_CPU_LIMIT Limit of cpu that worker poller container can use
WORKER_POLLER_MEMORY_LIMIT Limit of memory that worker poller container can use
WORKER_POLLER_CPU_RESERVATIONS Dedicated cpu resources for worker poller container
WORKER_POLLER_MEMORY_RESERVATIONS Dedicated memory resources for worker poller container

Worker Sender

Variable Description
WORKER_SENDER_CONCURRENCY Minimum number of threads in the sender container
PREFETCH_SENDER_COUNT How many tasks are consumed from the queue at once in the sender container
WORKER_SENDER_REPLICAS Number of docker replicas of worker sender container
WORKER_SENDER_CPU_LIMIT Limit of cpu that worker sender container can use
WORKER_SENDER_MEMORY_LIMIT Limit of memory that worker sender container can use
WORKER_SENDER_CPU_RESERVATIONS Dedicated cpu resources for worker sender container
WORKER_SENDER_MEMORY_RESERVATIONS Dedicated memory resources for worker sender container

Worker Trap

Variable Description
WORKER_TRAP_CONCURRENCY Minimum number of threads in the trap container
PREFETCH_TRAP_COUNT How many tasks are consumed from the queue at once in the trap container
RESOLVE_TRAP_ADDRESS Use reverse dns lookup for trap IP address and send the hostname to Splunk
MAX_DNS_CACHE_SIZE_TRAPS If RESOLVE_TRAP_ADDRESS is set to true, this is the maximum number of records in cache
TTL_DNS_CACHE_TRAPS If RESOLVE_TRAP_ADDRESS is set to true, this is the time to live of the cached record in seconds
WORKER_TRAP_REPLICAS Number of docker replicas of worker trap container
WORKER_TRAP_CPU_LIMIT Limit of cpu that worker trap container can use
WORKER_TRAP_MEMORY_LIMIT Limit of memory that worker trap container can use
WORKER_TRAP_CPU_RESERVATIONS Dedicated cpu resources for worker trap container
WORKER_TRAP_MEMORY_RESERVATIONS Dedicated memory resources for worker trap container


Variable Description
INVENTORY_LOG_LEVEL Logging level of the inventory, possible options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL
CHAIN_OF_TASKS_EXPIRY_TIME Tasks expirations time in seconds


Variable Description
SNMP_V3_SECURITY_ENGINE_ID SNMPv3 TRAPs require the configuration SNMP Engine ID of the TRAP sending application for the USM users table of the TRAP receiving application for each USM user, for example: SNMP_V3_SECURITY_ENGINE_ID=80003a8c04,aab123456
TRAPS_PORT External port exposed for traps server
## Scheduler
Variable Description
SCHEDULER_LOG_LEVEL Logging level of the scheduler, possible options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL