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Configurable values

Image Section

Detailed documentation about configuring images section can be found in kubernetes documentation. Below are the most common options:

Variable Description Example
repository Defines a registry from which container image is downloaded
tag Defines different versions of images to pull 1.21.1
pullPolicy Defines when kubelet attempts to pull the specified image Always

UI section

Detailed documentation about configuring UI can be found in Enable GUI.

Variable Description Default
enable Enabling GUI for user false
frontEnd Section with configuration for frontEnd image
backEnd Section with configuration for backEnd image
NodePort Port number for accessing UI frontEnd - 30001, backend - 30002
image Refer to Image Section
valuesFileDirectory Absolute directory path on the host machine where configuration files from the GUI will be generated
valuesFileName Full name of the file with configuration, stored inside the valuesFileDirectory
keepSectionFiles Decides if additional configuration files should be generated true

Splunk section

Variable Description Default
enabled Enables sending data to Splunk true
protocol The protocol of the HEC endpoint: https or http https
port The port of the HEC endpoint 8088
host IP address or a domain name of a Splunk instance
path URN to Splunk collector /services/collector
token Splunk HTTP Event Collector token 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
insecureSSL Checks for the certificate of the HEC endpoint when sending data over HTTPS false
sourcetypeTraps Source type for trap events sc4snmp:traps
sourcetypePollingEvents Source type for non-metric polling event sc4snmp:event
sourcetypePollingMetrics Source type for metric polling event sc4snmp:metric
eventIndex Name of the event index netops
metricsIndex Name of the metrics index netmetrics

Sim section

Detailed documentation about configuring sim can be found in Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring.

Variable Description Default
enabled Enables sending data to Splunk Observability Cloud/ SignalFx false
signalfxToken Splunk Observability org access token
signalfxRealm Splunk Observability realm to send telemetry data to
resources CPU and memory limits and requests for pod
service.annotations Annotations to append under sim service
secret.create Option to configure signalfxToken and signalfxRealm as kubernetes secrets true Name of existing secret in kubernetes with signalfxToken and signalfxRealm
replicaCount Number of created replicas when autoscaling is disabled 1
autoscaling.enabled Enables autoscaling for pods false
image Refer to Image Section
autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of running pods when autoscaling is enabled
autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of running pods when autoscaling is enabled
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU % threshold that must be exceeded on pods to spawn another replica
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Memory % threshold that must be exceeded on pods to spawn another replica
podAntiAffinity Kubernetes documentation soft
nodeSelector Kubernetes documentation


Detailed documentation about configuring:

Variable Description Default
groups Creates groups of host devices to collect data from
profiles Definitions of data to poll from devices
customTranslations Sets custom names for mapping MIB fields
resources CPU and memory limits and requests for pod
logLevel Log level for a scheduler INFO
tasksExpiryTime Tasks expiration time in seconds 60
communities Defines a version of SNMP protocol and SNMP community string
podAntiAffinity Kubernetes documentation soft
nodeSelector Kubernetes documentation
tolerations Kubernetes documentation


Detailed documentation about configuring poller can be found in Poller.

Variable Description Default
metricsIndexingEnabled Appends OID indexes to metrics false
pollBaseProfiles Enables polling base profiles true
maxOidToProcess Maximum number of OIDs requested from SNMP Agent at once 70
usernameSecrets List of kubernetes secrets name that will be used for polling
inventory List of configuration for polling
logLevel Log level for a poller pod INFO


Detailed documentation about configuring worker can be found in Worker.

Variable Description Default
poller Section with configuration for worker poller pods
trap Section with configuration for worker trap pods
sender Section with configuration for worker sender pods
x.replicaCount Number of pod replicas when autoscaling is disabled poller/trap - 2, sender - 1
x.concurrency Minimum number of threads in a pod 4
x.prefetch Number of tasks consumed from the queue at once poller - 1, traps/sender - 30
x.autoscaling.enabled Enables autoscaling for pod poller - false
x.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of running pods when autoscaling is enabled poller - 2
x.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of running pods when autoscaling is enabled poller - 10
x.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU % threshold that must be exceeded on pods to spawn another replica poller - 80
x.resources CPU and memory limits and requests for pod
trap.resolveAddress.cacheSize Maximum number of records in cache 500
trap.resolveAddress.cacheTTL Time to live of the cached record in seconds 1800
livenessProbe Liveness probes are used in Kubernetes to know when a pod is alive or dead
readinessProbe Readiness probes are used to know when a pod is ready to serve traffic
xProbe.enabled If livenessProbe or readinessProbe are enabled
xProbe.exec.command The exec command for the probe to run in the container Check values.yaml
xProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before probes are initiated livenessProbe - 80, readinessProbe - 30
xProbe.periodSeconds Frequency of performing the probe in seconds livenessProbe - 10, readinessProbe - 5
taskTimeout Task timeout in seconds when process takes a long time 2400
walkRetryMaxInterval Maximum time interval between walk attempts 180
walkMaxRetries Maximum number of walk retries 5
ignoreNotIncreasingOid Ignoring occurred: OID not increasing issues for hosts specified in the array
profilesReloadDelay Delay of polling profiles after inventory reload 60
logLevel Log level for workers INFO
udpConnectionTimeout Timeout for SNMP operations in seconds 3
ignoreEmptyVarbinds Ignores “Empty SNMP response message” in responses false
podAntiAffinity Kubernetes documentation soft
nodeSelector Kubernetes documentation
tolerations Kubernetes documentation


Detailed documentation about configuring inventory can be found in Poller.

Variable Description Default
secret.create Enables creation of the kubernetes secret true Name of existing secret in kubernetes
service.annotations Annotations to append under inventory service
resources CPU and memory limits and requests for pod
nodeSelector Kubernetes documentation
tolerations Kubernetes documentation


Detailed documentation about configuring traps can be found in Traps.

Variable Description Default
replicaCount Number of created replicas when autoscaling disabled 2
usernameSecrets Defines SNMPv3 secrets for trap messages sent by SNMP device
securityEngineId SNMP Engine ID of the TRAP sending application 80003a8c04
aggregateTrapsEvents Enables collecting traps events as one event inside Splunk false
communities Defines a version of SNMP protocol and SNMP community string
service.annotations Annotations to append under traps service
service.usemetallb Enables using metallb true
service.metallbsharingkey Sets annotation in trap service splunk-connect
service.type Kubernetes documentation LoadBalancer
service.port Port of the service to use for IPv4 and IPv6 162
service.nodePort Port when the service.type is nodePort 30000
service.externalTrafficPolicy Controls how Kubernetes routes traffic Local
loadBalancerIP Sets loadBalancer IP address in the metallb pool ``
ipFamilyPolicy Specifies if the service is dual stack or single stack SingleStack
ipFamilies Defines the address families used for chosen ipFamilyPolicy IPv4
resources CPU and memory limits and requests for pod
autoscaling.enabled Enables autoscaling for pods false
autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of running pods when autoscaling is enabled 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of running pods when autoscaling is enabled 100
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU % threshold that must be exceeded on pods to spawn another replica 80
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Memory % threshold that must be exceeded on pods to spawn another replica
logLevel Log level for a traps pod INFO
podAntiAffinity Kubernetes documentation soft
nodeSelector Kubernetes documentation
tolerations Kubernetes documentation


Variable Description Default
create Specifies whether a service account should be created true
annotations Annotations to add to the service account
name The name of the service account to use.


Detailed documentation about configuring mongodb can be found in MongoDB. It is advised to not change those settings.


Detailed documentation about configuring redis can be found in Redis. It is advised to not change those settings.


Variable Description Default
imagePullSecrets Kubernetes documentation
useDeprecatedAPI Enables older version of Kubernetes to use false
commonAnnotations Annotations added to all services