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.env file configuration

Inside the directory with the docker compose files, there is a .env. Variables in it can be divided into few sections.


Variable Description
SC4SNMP_IMAGE The registry and name of the SC4SNMP image to pull
SC4SNMP_TAG SC4SNMP image tag to pull
SCHEDULER_CONFIG_FILE_ABSOLUTE_PATH Absolute path to scheduler-config.yaml file
TRAPS_CONFIG_FILE_ABSOLUTE_PATH Absolute path to traps-config.yaml file
INVENTORY_FILE_ABSOLUTE_PATH Absolute path to inventory.csv file
COREFILE_ABS_PATH Absolute path to Corefile used by coreDNS. Default Corefile can be found inside the docker_compose
COREDNS_ADDRESS IP address of the coredns inside docker network. Shouldn’t be changed

Images of dependencies

Variable Description
COREDNS_IMAGE Registry and name of Coredns image
COREDNS_TAG Coredns image tag to pull
MIBSERVER_IMAGE Registry and name of Mibserver image
MIBSERVER_TAG Mibserver image tag to pull
REDIS_IMAGE Registry and name of Redis image
REDIS_TAG Redis image tag to pull
MONGO_IMAGE Registry and name of MongoDB image
MONGO_TAG MongoDB image tag to pull

Splunk instance

Variable Description
SPLUNK_HEC_HOST IP address or a domain name of a Splunk instance to send data to
SPLUNK_HEC_PROTOCOL The protocol of the HEC endpoint: https or http
SPLUNK_HEC_PORT The port of the HEC endpoint
SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN Splunk HTTP Event Collector token
SPLUNK_HEC_INSECURESSL Whether to skip checking the certificate of the HEC endpoint when sending data over HTTPS
SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE_TRAPS Splunk sourcetype for trap events
SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE_POLLING_EVENTS Splunk sourcetype for non-metric polling events
SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE_POLLING_METRICS Splunk sourcetype for metric polling events
SPLUNK_HEC_INDEX_EVENTS Name of the Splunk event index
SPLUNK_HEC_INDEX_METRICS Name of the Splunk metrics index
SPLUNK_HEC_PATH Path for the HEC endpoint
SPLUNK_AGGREGATE_TRAPS_EVENTS When set to true makes traps events collected as one event inside splunk
IGNORE_EMPTY_VARBINDS Details can be found in empty snmp response message issue
SPLUNK_LOG_INDEX Event index in Splunk where logs from docker containers would be sent



Variable Description
WALK_RETRY_MAX_INTERVAL Maximum time interval between walk attempts
WALK_MAX_RETRIES Maximum number of walk retries
METRICS_INDEXING_ENABLED Details can be found in append oid index part to the metrics
POLL_BASE_PROFILES Enable polling base profiles (with IF-MIB and SNMPv2-MIB)
IGNORE_NOT_INCREASING_OIDS Ignoring occurred: OID not increasing issues for hosts specified in the array, ex: IGNORE_NOT_INCREASING_OIDS=,
WORKER_LOG_LEVEL Logging level of the workers, possible options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL
UDP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds for SNMP operations
MAX_OID_TO_PROCESS Sometimes SNMP Agent cannot accept more than X OIDs per once, so if the error “TooBig” is visible in logs, decrease the number of MAX_OID_TO_PROCESS

Worker Poller

Variable Description
WORKER_POLLER_CONCURRENCY Minimum number of threads in the poller container
PREFETCH_POLLER_COUNT How many tasks are consumed from the queue at once in the poller container
WORKER_POLLER_REPLICAS Number of docker replicas of worker poller container
WORKER_POLLER_CPU_LIMIT Limit of cpu that worker poller container can use
WORKER_POLLER_MEMORY_LIMIT Limit of memory that worker poller container can use
WORKER_POLLER_CPU_RESERVATIONS Dedicated cpu resources for worker poller container
WORKER_POLLER_MEMORY_RESERVATIONS Dedicated memory resources for worker poller container

Worker Sender

Variable Description
WORKER_SENDER_CONCURRENCY Minimum number of threads in the sender container
PREFETCH_SENDER_COUNT How many tasks are consumed from the queue at once in the sender container
WORKER_SENDER_REPLICAS Number of docker replicas of worker sender container
WORKER_SENDER_CPU_LIMIT Limit of cpu that worker sender container can use
WORKER_SENDER_MEMORY_LIMIT Limit of memory that worker sender container can use
WORKER_SENDER_CPU_RESERVATIONS Dedicated cpu resources for worker sender container
WORKER_SENDER_MEMORY_RESERVATIONS Dedicated memory resources for worker sender container

Worker Trap

Variable Description
WORKER_TRAP_CONCURRENCY Minimum number of threads in the trap container
PREFETCH_TRAP_COUNT How many tasks are consumed from the queue at once in the trap container
RESOLVE_TRAP_ADDRESS Use reverse dns lookup for trap IP address and send the hostname to Splunk
MAX_DNS_CACHE_SIZE_TRAPS If RESOLVE_TRAP_ADDRESS is set to true, this is the maximum number of records in cache
TTL_DNS_CACHE_TRAPS If RESOLVE_TRAP_ADDRESS is set to true, this is the time to live of the cached record in seconds
WORKER_TRAP_REPLICAS Number of docker replicas of worker trap container
WORKER_TRAP_CPU_LIMIT Limit of cpu that worker trap container can use
WORKER_TRAP_MEMORY_LIMIT Limit of memory that worker trap container can use
WORKER_TRAP_CPU_RESERVATIONS Dedicated cpu resources for worker trap container
WORKER_TRAP_MEMORY_RESERVATIONS Dedicated memory resources for worker trap container


Variable Description
INVENTORY_LOG_LEVEL Logging level of the inventory, possible options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL
CHAIN_OF_TASKS_EXPIRY_TIME Tasks expirations time in seconds


Variable Description
SNMP_V3_SECURITY_ENGINE_ID SNMPv3 TRAPs require the configuration SNMP Engine ID of the TRAP sending application for the USM users table of the TRAP receiving application for each USM user, for example: SNMP_V3_SECURITY_ENGINE_ID=80003a8c04,aab123456
TRAPS_PORT External port exposed for traps server


Variable Description
SCHEDULER_LOG_LEVEL Logging level of the scheduler, possible options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL