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SNMPv3 secrets

Creating a secret requires updating configuration of several docker compose files. To simplify this process, inside the docker_compose package there is a file which will automatically manage secrets.

Creating a new secret

To create a new secret, must be run with the following flags:

Flag Description
--secret_name New secret name
--path_to_compose Absolute path to directory with docker compose files
--worker_poller [OPTIONAL] Add new secrets to worker poller. Default value is set to ‘true’.
--traps [OPTIONAL] Add new secrets to traps server. Default value is set to ‘true’.
--userName SNMPv3 userName
--privProtocol SNMPv3 privProtocol
--privKey SNMPv3 privKey
--authProtocol SNMPv3 authProtocol
--authKey SNMPv3 authKey
--contextEngineId [OPTIONAL] SNMPv3 engine id

This script, apart from updating configuration files, creates environmental variables with values of the secret at the end of the .env file in the docker_compose directory. To apply those secrets run the sudo docker compose $(find docker* | sed -e 's/^/-f /') up -d command inside the docker_compose directory. After execution of the command, plain text secrets from the .env file can be deleted.

NOTE: In case of any changes in .env, the secrets must be recreated by deleting any previously existing secrets and creating them once again. Changes in .env include creating new secrets.

Example of creating a secret

python3 <> --path_to_compose <path_to_compose> \
--secret_name my_secret \
--userName r-wuser \
--privProtocol AES \
--privKey admin1234 \
--authProtocol SHA \
--authKey admin1234 \
--contextEngineId 090807060504037

Inside docker_compose directory run:

sudo docker compose $(find docker* | sed -e 's/^/-f /') up -d

Now, the following lines from the .env can be deleted:


Deleting a secret

To delete a secret, must be run with the following flags:

Flag Description
--secret_name Secret name
--path_to_compose Absolute path to directory with docker compose files
--delete Set this flag to true to delete the secret

This will delete the secret with a given name from all docker compose files. If this secret hasn’t been deleted from .env file, it will be removed from there.

Example of deleting a secret

python3 <> --path_to_compose <path_to_compose> \
--secret_name my_secret \
--delete true