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Enabling IPv6 for SC4SNMP

Default installation of SC4SNMP does not support polling or receiving trap notifications from IPv6 addresses. To enable IPv6, follow instruction below.


To configure dual-stack network on microk8s follow instructions at Microk8s page. After completing the steps, you can follow the instruction at Microk8s installation on Ubuntu to install microk8s.


The default CNI used for microk8s is Calico. For pods to be able to reach internet over IPv6, you need to enable the natOutgoing parameter in ipv6 ip pool configuration from calico. To set it create the yaml file with the following content:

# calico-ippool.yaml
kind: IPPool
  name: default-ipv6-ippool
  natOutgoing: true
You can check with command microk8s kubectl get ippools -n kube-system the default name of the ip pool for IPv6. If it differs from default-ipv6-ippool you need to change the name in the yaml file. Then apply the configuration with the following command:
microk8s kubectl apply -f calico-ippool.yaml

After those changes you can restart the microk8s fot the changes to be applied with the following commands:

microk8s stop
microk8s start


As of version 1.30 of microk8s, Metallb add-on does not support passing the IPv6 addresses in enable command. To add the IPv6 addresses to your Metallb configuration, you can prepare the yaml file with configuration like below:

# addresspool.yaml
kind: IPAddressPool
  name: default-addresspool
  namespace: metallb-system
  - 2001:0db8:ac10:fe01:0000:0000:0000:0001/128
You can check with command microk8s kubectl get ipaddresspool -n metallb-system the default name of the ip address pool created in metallb. If it differs from default-addresspool you need to change the name in the yaml file. You can add the single ip or subnets for both IPv4 and IPv6 under spec.addresses section. After preparing the yaml file, apply the configuration with the following command:
microk8s kubectl apply -f addresspool.yaml


To configure traps to receive notification from IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, you need to add the following configuration to the values.yaml file:

  ipFamilyPolicy: RequireDualStack
  ipFamilies: ["IPv4", "IPv6"]
Default trap port for notifications for IPv6 is 2163. You can change it to any other port if needed with traps.service.ipv6Port parameter.