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Improved polling performance

SC4SNMP now offers beta support for improved polling performance.

While this is in beta, we encourage users to explore it. Although we’ve conducted extensive testing, occasional issues may arise. Your feedback during this phase is crucial in refining and optimizing and can be shared using issues. To get started, the zip file with helm chart must be downloaded. It can be found on feat/improve-polling-time branch.

On the left-hand side click create-charts-zip: Workflows

At the bottom of the page in the Artifacts section there will be charts package. Download it and unzip it in your environment.


In values.yaml set the following image settings:

  tag: "latest"

Change the directory to charts/splunk-connect-for-snmp and run microk8s helm3 dep update. You can exit charts/splunk-connect-for-snmp directory. While running microk8s helm3 install or microk8s helm3 upgrade commands, path to the helm chart must be modified. In the sc4snmp installation documentation, the following commands are presented:

microk8s helm3 install snmp -f values.yaml splunk-connect-for-snmp/splunk-connect-for-snmp --namespace=sc4snmp --create-namespace
microk8s helm3 upgrade --install snmp -f values.yaml splunk-connect-for-snmp/splunk-connect-for-snmp --namespace=sc4snmp --create-namespace

In order to use this beta release, splunk-connect-for-snmp/splunk-connect-for-snmp needs to be changed to the path of the charts/splunk-connect-for-snmp directory.

To learn how the new improved polling works, refer to the documentation Poller Configuration - Define maxRepetitions for instructions.

Your involvement in testing new polling support is pivotal, and we look forward to hearing about your experiences.