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Identifying Traps issues

Wrong IP or port

The first possible answer to why traps are not sent to Splunk is that SNMP agents send trap messages to the wrong IP address or port. To check what is the correct address of traps server, run the following command:

microk8s kubectl -n sc4snmp get services

This command should output similar data:

NAME                                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)         AGE
snmp-redis-headless                 ClusterIP      None             <none>           6379/TCP        113s
snmp-mibserver                      ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP          113s
snmp-mongodb                        ClusterIP   <none>           27017/TCP       113s
snmp-redis-master                   ClusterIP    <none>           6379/TCP        113s
snmp-mongodb-metrics                ClusterIP    <none>           9216/TCP        113s
snmp-splunk-connect-for-snmp-trap   LoadBalancer   162:32180/UDP   113s

Check the EXTERNAL-IP of snmp-splunk-connect-for-snmp-trap and the second port number for this service. In this case the full snmp-splunk-connect-for-snmp-trap address will be

In case agents send traps to the correct address, but there is still no data in the netops index, there might be some issues with credentials. These errors can be seen in logs of the snmp-splunk-connect-for-snmp-trap pod.

Unknown SNMP community name encountered

In case of using community string for authentication purposes, the following error should be expected if the arriving trap has a community string not configured in SC4SNMP:

2024-02-06 15:42:14,885 ERROR Security Model failure for device ('', 42514): Unknown SNMP community name encountered

If this error occurs, check if the appropriate community is defined under traps.communities in values.yaml. See the following example of a public community configuration:


Unknown SNMP security name encountered

While sending SNMP v3 traps in case of wrong username or engine id configuration, the following error should be expected:

2024-02-06 15:42:14,091 ERROR Security Model failure for device ('', 46066): Unknown SNMP security name encountered

If this error occurs, verify that the kubernetes secret with the correct username has been created (SNMPv3 configuration). After creating the secret, add it under traps.usernameSecrets in values.yaml. Check that the correct snmp engine id is configured under traps.securityEngineId. See the following example of a values.yaml with configured secret and engine id:

    - my-secret-name
    - "090807060504030201"

Authenticator mismatched

While sending SNMP v3 traps in case of wrong authentication protocol or password configuration, the following error should be expected:

2024-02-06 15:42:14,642 ERROR Security Model failure for device ('', 54806): Authenticator mismatched
If this error occurs, verify that the kubernetes secret with the correct authentication protocol and password has been created (SNMPv3 configuration). After creating the secret, add it under traps.usernameSecrets in values.yaml. See the following example of a values.yaml with configured secret:
    - my-secret-name

Ciphering services not available or ciphertext is broken

While sending SNMP v3 traps in case of wrong privacy protocol or password configuration, the following error should be expected:

2024-02-06 15:42:14,780 ERROR Security Model failure for device ('', 48249): Ciphering services not available or ciphertext is broken
If this error occurs, verify that the kubernetes secret with the correct privacy protocol and password has been created (SNMPv3 configuration). After creating the secret, add it under traps.usernameSecrets in values.yaml. See the following example of a values.yaml with configured secret:
    - my-secret-name