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Vendor - Nix Generic

Product - All Products

Many appliance vendor utilize Linux and BSD distributions as the foundation of the solution. When configured to log via syslog, these devices’ OS logs (from a security perspective) can be monitored using the common Splunk Nix TA.

Note: This is NOT a replacement for or alternative to the Splunk Universal forwarder on Linux and Unix. For general-purpose server applications, the Universal Forwarder offers more comprehensive collection of events and metrics appropriate for both security and operations use cases.

Ref Link
Splunk Add-on


sourcetype notes
nix:syslog None

Sourcetype and Index Configuration

key sourcetype index notes
nix_syslog nix:syslog osnix none

Filter type

MSG Parse: This filter parses message content

Setup and Configuration

  • Install the Splunk Add-on on the search head(s) for the user communities interested in this data source. If SC4S is exclusively used the addon is not required on the indexer.
  • Review and update the splunk_metadata.csv file and set the index and sourcetype as required for the data source.


Variable default description
SC4S_ARCHIVE_NIX_SYSLOG no Enable archive to disk for this specific source
SC4S_DEST_NIX_SYSLOG_HEC no When Splunk HEC is disabled globally set to yes to enable this specific source


An active proxy will generate frequent events. Use the following search to validate events are present per source device

index=osnix sourcetype=nix:syslog | stats count by host